

Have you all recovered from your weekend?  We had a nice quiet Easter.  There’s not much excitement going on here in ThimbleannaLand these days.  If it gets much slower, I’m afraid that time might stop.  I have a ton of projects I want to start, but I’m trying to get some UFO’s done first — I’m tired of them nagging me.   Most of the weekend was spent working on “have-to” sewing which wasn’t terribly fun.  Then, there were lots of little odds ‘n ends.  I finished a few pincushions that have been sitting all cut out and waiting on my sewing table.  They’re from the Posy Pin Pie pattern by Jill Finley and they’re perfect for sitting near a cutting mat.

Pin Cushion

I’ve also resurrected a sweater that’s been maturing in the closet.  I was in the middle of a yoke when I put it down and every time I thought about picking it back up, I only had a few minutes to knit and I was afraid it would take me a long time to figure out where I was in the pattern.  All that procrastinating for nothing though — it only took 5 minutes to pick it back up.  The back and two fronts are now done and I’m starting on the sleeves.  I’m hoping to channel my inner Finny and get it done in short order.


I’m thinking this is the calm before the storm.  May is shaping up to be a busy month, so I’m hoping to make some big progress while I can.  Are the rest of you working on anything exciting???


53 thoughts on “Sah…low.”

  1. Your projects look very nice. That sweater looks like it’s going to be a real beauty. That color is lovely. What am I working on? It’s more like what SHOULD I be working on, LOL! I am doing a swap with someone and need to get some little pieces tatted up for that. Then I need to finish a TIAS (tat it and see) project that is at a midway point and then there’s another doily thingy. That’s about it! Nothing super duper exciting here, either! :)

  2. I’m doing Jacquie’s Spring to Finish. I started off really good. Not so good the last few days. LOL Need to get re-motivated! Go Anna go! ;o) ooxx`jod

  3. I have several that I am working on and one in the planning stage that is giving me long periods of daydreaming. But who couldn’t get motivated with Rosie the Riveter watching over. Love the stitching in your sweater.

  4. Love those pincushions! I have two quilt tops finished and am trying to make myself get to work quilting them. (The truth is I’d rather start on another one.) I’m just impressed that you can knit and so well, too!

  5. Easter was lovely, quiet and relaxing which doesn’t often happen in my house. Good to see the knitting mojo up and running. Great work.

  6. Oohhh! Yummy blue! I’ve just finished the April block of Bunny Hill’s applique basket free pattern series. No-one is more surprised than I that I have fallen so hard for them! Meanwhile Have-To-Do projects languish, undone…..

  7. Lovely pin-cushions, the Keep on Quilting piece of fabric is adorable!

    I’m familiar with the procastinating! I can question projects for days and once I start it almost always turns out better than expected!

    Only exciting stuff going on over here…LOL!

  8. I love the pincushions. I think that the navy/yellow one is my favourite – the colours are so vivid. I am not making anything very exciting at the moment – knitting a snail but as I have made a mistake somewhere so need to reassess that one and I am also making another little baby blanket with red riding hood!

  9. I’m enjoying the calm at the moment …. after such a busy start to the year it’s really nice to catch my breathe!!! Totally jealous of your knitting prowess – I’m a shocker at it LOL. I love your “keep on quilting” pincushion too – what a little ripper – fabulous fabric :o)!!!
    Joy :o)

  10. Hello Anna. I wish I could say something like:
    “There is not much exitement in my life.”
    I have the feeling the days havn´t enough hours.
    I wish I could calm down, but reality won´t let me.
    Just when I do my little foolish paintings I am
    totaly relaxed.
    This pincushins are so cute, I would like to have a big one just the same style for my sofa.
    I did some sewing myself and finished my first plush-doll-tomcat. He lookes a little crooked but never mind.
    I guess I will try to do a pincushin like yours.
    I´m courious what you create next.
    It´s always awesome and inspiring
    Liebe Grüße

  11. I’m making an early start on summer tops and dresses for the girls; the pieces I cut out last year and didn’t get around to sewing are still sitting in *my* closet …

  12. I’m working on not taking a deep sigh everytime I see your gorgeous knitting and wishing I could do something with a pair of knitting needles!!!!!

  13. Oooh lovely knitting. I am as usual working on way too many projects but they are all for me!! I am slowly knitting a cardigan, slowly crocheting a granny square blanket and of course putting together a few (ten?) quilts. We are also doing home things – we are drowning in ‘stuff’ and are having a good clean out. Plenty to keep me busy here!

  14. Love that you added Rosie! Very cool!

    I just cut out a pattern for a dress for Aubry. So far, so good. Sewing clothes is not my strong suit, but I am trying!

  15. The Rosie the Riveter pincushion is so cute!! I love the WW2 propaganda posters…the allied ones of course:) Especially Rosie.

    I am really not doing anything productive around the house. I have a list a mile long, but I am putting it all off until after tomorrow afternoon. Instead, I have been studying like mad for a 19th Century Europe final. After tomorrow at 6 I will be free!!! I really can’t wait…My first stop may be to the local library, I haven’t quite decided.

  16. I am slowly recovering…though I still struggle getting up in the mornings. There is something about a 2.5 hour drive (5 if you count there and back) that just wipes you out. Not to mention the family drama, etc.

  17. That sweater is beautiful Anna? Is it for a little person or a grown up?

    Love the pincushions–they are scrumptious.

    Nothing at all fabulous going on here in the world of craft. In the world of Victor though, everything is fabulous!


  18. Those pin cushions are so cute. I like the way you photograph your projects.

    I haven’t been working on anything exciting because my taxes have been eating up my attention and free time. I hope to start working on some new projects soon.

  19. #1 – I love the Rosie the “Quilter” pin cushion – that is quite appealing. Normally, I’m not interested in fancy pin cushionness, but for Rosie, I could give in. Where did this fabric come from? I feel like I need some, now.

    #2 – While I may be knitting this current sweater a little quicker than usual, it is by no means finished, which means it is by no means going to fit or do what it’s supposed to do because most of my knitting projects are obstinate and do not listen to mama. (That’s me)

    Good luck on your yoke!

  20. I’ve got 4 sets of legs and bums sitting looking at me at the minute and a quilt on top of a dresser which should have been done months ago — maybe May should become the FO month ?
    lisa x

  21. I love the little detail of ruffle around the button on your pincushion, and Anna those cables are so pretty, makes me feel like knitting.

  22. …maturing in the closet…LOL. i’m working on small projects this week. and i almost broke down and started a new quilt today. i. am. weak.

  23. Your pincushions look quite lovely, the colors and prints are great, and I love that vintage bit mixed in. The sweater yarn is a really pretty blue.

    I’m working on my Spring to Finish projects, but had to stop this past week due to my back going out on me. I did manage to get all 60 of my siggy swap blocks done and mailed. Tonight I’m looking through my stash to see what needs to be done (as in “finally” completed) so I’ll know what to work on tomorrow.

  24. Enjoy that quiet – cuz you know it never lasts, LOL. Love your pincushions, can never have enough of those and the color of your yarn is BEE-U-TI-FUL. I have a Rubbermaid tote full of UFO’s that will be broken out after we move – still love them so I guess I should finish them.

    Have a great week Ms Peep – Ms. Farmhouse:)

  25. I’m hoping to get some knitting projects done next week. March and April have been so busy I’m hoping May will slow down some. I’ve yet to make a sweater for myself or anyone and I’m not really sure why I haven’t…I must be a bit intimidated by it.

  26. Hi Anna! Your pincushions are fabulous!!!! Where can I buy that pattern? Is it online?

    I have some ‘ideas’ in my head of things I want to make, however I promised myself I would not make anymore messes until my “spring cleaning” is all done. Honestly though, a girls’ work is NEVER done, now is it?

    LOVE your bunnies in your other post. Too…tooo….tooooooooooooo cute!

    Happy day,

  27. We had some lovely, lazy days. Not much sewing, only a few stitches!
    Things are back to normal, which is fine!
    Lovely pincushions, and I look forward to see your
    sweater finished!

  28. Hi Anna,
    to things:
    1. My plush-tomcat is postet.
    2. By the way….. I gave you an award!!!!!
    If you want to know more you have to visit my blog.
    kindest regards

  29. Hmmmm . . . what’s NOT exciting about raising five children? lol

    One thing that’s exciting in a good way is building new friendships in our new neighborhood. It’s going great! :o)

  30. Good luck with the sweater Anna! I’m still (thinking about) working on that knit chicken. I have his little striped body and neck done, need to start his leetle head!

  31. Like you I’m working on a UFO at the moment. A cross-stitch sampler that has been around for at least 7 years! Almost there now though:)

  32. My latest project is my project list. It grows and grows, and I’m seeing less and less free space on the top of my worktable. And now you taunt me with that darling pincushion (and I love how you got Rosey in there).

  33. Love that word “maturing”, as if that sweater will grow itself if you water and fed it. Although I’m not so sure it’ll be the wool stitches that will do the growing. He he he! I’ve got a pile of projects to-do too, but I’ve been good with the finishing, except for a cushion cover that’s also “maturing” on the sewing room floor. :-)

  34. love it! I’m really trying to finish things off too! especially as I found a bag full of knitting from oh you know 2003! uh oh


  35. LOVE the pincusions!! I need to make one, I’m still using the red pincusion my mom bought for me in 9th grade for home ec.

    I’m always amazed at any one who can even start a sweater! Great stuff.

  36. Hey I know Jill Finley. She lives not far from me and we had booths next to each other at a local quilt store event. She’s very sweet. A good sales person (much better than me!) and so available to give suggestions about the big wide quilt world.

  37. I love the quilt you chose for the show! It’s simple and crisp. What wonderful memories it has for you-that makes it even better. It already looks like a treasure.

  38. YOU. ARE. AMAZING. i can’t believe how much you get done while still working… and quilting, and sewing, and cooking and just being you!!!!!
    i’m so going to copy those pincushions!
    love the knitting.
    :waves madly

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