This mug cozy was really easy to make. You'll just make a very small quilt. Measure around your mug from
one side of the handle to the other for the quilt width and measure the height of your mug minus about 1 inch for
height of the little quilt. From that finished size, subtract roughly an inch from both width and height to give you
the size of the center, embroidered section. Add 1/4 inch seam allowances to this center section size
and cut a piece of plain fabric. Freehand draw some little flowers on this fabric and embroider. Add
a cute little patchy border (roughly 1 inch wide) to the embroidered piece and you'll have your mug
quilt top. Make a quilt sandwich with a piece of flannel and backing fabric. Quilt, bind and then sew
two buttons to each end of the little quilt. Wrap around mug, join each set of buttons with a ponytail
holder, and enjoy!