There’s a Monkey on My …. Foot

I finally, finally, FINALLY got my first pair of monkey socks done.  WooHoo!!!  They seemed to take forever to finish — probably because I was so hit-and-miss when I worked on them — only once or twice a month.  How pathetic!

Monkey Socks

It really took me a long time to get used to the pattern.  I read on Ravelry where someone said that by the time you did the 11-row repeat two or three times, you’d have the pattern all figured out.  At my remedial pace, it took me until the last half of the second sock to really “feel” the pattern.  Up until that point, I found them to be a pain in the behind — mostly because I would mess them up terribly while talking to someone and have to rip back several rows.

All along, I thought I wouldn’t make this pattern again, but now that I’ve had my lightbulb moment, I’ll definitely try them again.  Plus, I really like the appearance of these socks and they’re pretty cozy.

Monkey Socks

There does seem to be one drawback though.  When my trusty model SweetiePie put them on, this monkey came screaming around the corner and grabbed her pant leg.  And he wouldn’t let go.  I was just glad his sister monkey didn’t put in an appearance — she’s lurking around here somewhere.  (I think maybe TheEmptyNestChild absconded with her some time ago — you know his affinity for all things stuffed.)

Monkey Socks

SweetiePie tried to get him to let go by crossing her feet, but he was having none of it.  He finally let go and ran off when he spied TheEmptyNestChild lurking across the room.  It was such a relief to get that monkey off her … foot.

I hope you’re all enjoying your week and that SOMEone SOMEwhere is having a taste of spring, because it’s clearly still winter here!


P.S.  My monkeys are made from Cherry Tree Hill Supersock Yarn (which is just yummy!) on size 2 dpns with this wonderful pattern.