Finished Quilting
Whew! I finally finished my little bluebird quilt. For some reason this took about 10 times longer than I thought it would — I guess I’m getting slow in my old age.
Two of my very favorite standby quilting techniques are plain, big patchy squares and big toe-grabber stitches. (Called toe-grabbers ’cause they’re so big your big toe could get caught in them while you’re sleeping. Ok, so it’s a bit of an exaggeration, but we still call them that.) So, I combined both of those for this little throw quilt.
Since the quilt pieces are all squares (4″ squares), I like to quilt big circles on them. In this case, I used a smaller bowl (7″ diameter) than I usually do (8 1/2″ diameter), so that could be why the quilting took me so much longer than I expected. Bigger bowls work just fine too. I invert the bowl and use a disappearing pen to trace two interlocking circles at a time. Then I quilt each circle with pearl cotton and a big needle.
Sometimes, by the time I get to the second circle, the ink has disappeared already, so I have to re-draw it — I love that air-soluble ink. After I quilt two circles, then I draw two more, and so on and so forth until the quilt is done.
The only embroidered block in this quilt is the block with the three little birdies and I placed them in the bottom right hand corner. They sort of blend in, so it’s a fun little surprise when your eye finds them.
I used lots of flower prints, a gardening print and a print with little bees on it, because this quilt is for a friend who loves to garden. Maybe it will keep her warm on a chilly evening while she sits in her garden and enjoys the fruits of her labor.
The back of the quilt has a nice cozy flannel. I love to put flannel on the back of throws — it gives them a little more weight and makes them extra cuddly.
And see that clever presentation technique that I’ve learned from all you bloggers out there? I love it! (Oops, I forgot the cute little metal ring tag — I’ll have to work on that!)
So. A finished quilt. That doesn’t happen very often for me, so I’m really excited! Did you finish anything fun this weekend?