
The End of Summer

Well, tomorrow is the big day — the official end of summer and therefore the day when I’m officially done with my 10 Things this Summer List.  Just in the nick of time, I managed to get two more items completed.

1. Get Together with the Quilty Peeps.  Finally!  It took us over a year to find time in our schedules when we could all get together and we did the deed yesterday.  I love getting together with my long-time BFFs and I love that they’ll let me take pictures of their projects.  Our collective memories have gaps (ha!) so it’s nice to be able to look back on the blog and see when we got together and what we were working on.  So, for future reference, here’s what we worked on yesterday:

Jewels came with enough projects to share LOL.  We wanted to see all the fun stuff she’s working on and she kindly obliged.  Here’s her newest project — a quilt she found in a magazine this summer.  Aren’t those colors gorgeous? Jewel's Projects

Then she had a ton of blocks completed for another quilt she’s making.  She showed us the flyer for the pattern and of course, I forgot to take notes.  (Maybe she’ll tell us in the comments.  ;-D )  I LOVE this star block and Jewel’s work is perfect. Jewel's Projects

And then we teased Jewels that she’s still working on her dresden plate project, which she was working on when we got together almost three years ago.  We were laughing with her, not at here ’cause I’m pretty sure this would be a 20-year project for me. Jewel's Projects

Oh, and look at the darling little snack mix bags Jewels made for each of us — she’s a sweetheart! Jewel's Projects

Gurney was finishing the hand work on the binding for a Cat in the Hat quilt for her grandson.  It’s SO cute!  I LOVE this fabric and I’m hoarding some of my own. Gurney's Projects

Look at the cute back too.  Gurney took all the fabrics that she had left over from piecing the front and used them on the back.  So fun! Gurney's Projects

Junie was our hostess with the mostess and in addition to waiting on us hand and foot, she was cutting fabric for a baby quilt.  Isn’t this fabric cute?  I’d never seen it before.  The line is Backyard Baby by Patty Sloniger for Michael Miller. Junie's Projects

Did you see that beehive???  I need some of that fabric just for the beehive.  Here it is in the gray colorway too. Junie's Projects

Thank you Ladies for such a fun day and for all the good food.  It’s always great to catch up – hopefully we won’t have such a long gap before our next get-together!

And lastly, during our Quilty Peep Fun Day, I worked on stitching down the centers of my Steampunk blocks. Steampunk Work

Which brings me to,

8. Make Enough Blocks for a Quilt Top.  All done.  48 blocks.  Turns out I only needed 41 whole blocks and 7 partial blocks.  I thought I needed 48 whole blocks and I’d decided not to use the partial blocks in my version of the quilt.  But now I have extra blocks to cut up for the partial blocks.   It’s going to be hard to cut them through the middle! Steampunk Work

So, that’s the end of my summer list. I completed 9 out of 10 of the items. Can you regular readers remember which item didn’t make the cut? Ok, I’ll tell you. It’s that *&*&#@# 10-year sweater! It’s sitting out nagging me and winter is on the way, so hopefully I’ll work on it this winter. For now though, 90% is good enough for me. Making a list has been fun and making it public actually made me work on it. If you made a summer list, how did you do?


29 thoughts on “The End of Summer”

  1. Michele in Alabama

    Hey there! Long time, no checking in! Whew. My daughter and her husband finally got back from Afghanistan and we were able to return their son (now 18 months old) to his rightful, original owners! We’ve had him since last November, and tho I would not trade the time with him for ANYthing, I’m glad we have our lives back. The quiet is both wonderful and jarring in its stark reality.
    Anyway – I have not had one iota of spare time in the past ten months or so to do any internet surfing or perusing. So, just looked up your blog and am sorry for missing you for the past umpteen months! Will try to catch up on you and what you’ve been doing – it will be fun and I’m sure I will enjoy living vicariously thru you once again! :)
    Question for your friend Jewels on the fabs she has for the dresden plate she’s making from the McCalls Quilting magazine – it appears that the fabs are the same from the magazine – did she get a kit (not found in the magazine) or did she find the fabric set they used? I’d love to know what the fabric line is, please!
    So glad to have time to get reacquainted again – “see” you soon! Michele in Huntsville

  2. No list…I should have but didn’t make one. I did get a daughter married…finally. So that took most of the summer but it was well worth it. I am impressed that you got so much finished. That’s phenomonal.. I was just happy to finally get the Stocking from Hell done. It’s at the finishers and I may never pick up needlepoint again.Ever.AT. All. I love your Steam punk blocks. I can’t wait to see the quilt.

  3. 90 %, that’s still considered an A, isn’t it? So well done with your summer to do list! Loved seeing all the projects your quilting peeps are working on and your Streampunk is gathering momentum. Can’t wait to see the top together.

  4. you got a lot done it looks like – I love the fabric combination you show in the first photo. Nice to get together with your friends.

  5. You accomplished quite a bit this summer! Are you making up your “10 things for fall” list yet? I accomplished very little this summer, but I have big plans for the next two weeks while my husband is out of town!

  6. So happy that we can at least look at your blog to remember what we have done! Sadly, I’m afraid we may need that resource more and more! Shame on us for letting so much time pass between get togethers! We must do better! Had a marvelous day-it just went too quickly! Hugs!

  7. Oh you just had to post this. Now I will have to post about my list, which has made no progress! :P I love Jewel’s star block. All the work is beautiful. My offer still stands to sew together the sweater!
    Karen :)

  8. Given the size of the items on your list, I’d say 90% is pretty amazing! Wish I had that hit rate. I am working an a one year scarf at the moment … and a three year quilt that really needs to just be done already.

  9. Sigh….I resisted making that list when you did and now I am sorry. although I am pretty sure I wouldn’t have gotten to 90%. And I am still not looking at Steam Punk!!

  10. What a fun day with your BFF’s and what fabulous projects they’re all working on. Yes, please get together more often – I wanna see more of these projects!! And super well done to you on completing 90% – great work for the Summer. Will you do a Winter list as well??

  11. Congrats on getting almost 100% on your summer homework! I got nuttin done this summer. I completely lost my mojo, so now I’m playing catchup! Those dresdens looks really neat. I hope she finishes them….but more importantly, I hope you get a picture of it. hehe

  12. Congrats on 9 out of 10! I’ve been trying to think back as to whether I accomplished anything this summer……… Time goes so fast and my memory fades too!! lol
    Glad you finally got together with your quilty peeps! Such a talented group of ladies you are. I love the baby quilt fabrics and can’t wait to see your Steampunk quilt!
    Have a great fall!

  13. How fun! Time with the Peeps! Love Jewels’ star blocks and yummy treat bags…did she share the recipe! Candy corn and other fall yum!

  14. Had a blast too! The McCalls pattern tempted and won me over, all the colorful fabrics. It was not a line I just tried to match what I could with the picture:) The Ohio Star was a Moda Line Collection for a Cause 1860-1870 Charity Howard Marcus, it was fifth in a series. Supporting Alzheimer’s, Spring 2010 It takes me a while :) kiss kiss

  15. I think you have still done an AMAZING job when you consider that you also made the entire Girls quilt in addition to the original list! The sweater can wait till cooler weather. You have had quite a busy summer! And what a great way to top it off – a day with your BFFs. I know how wonderful that must have been. My own little group (3 of us) have such a hard time coordinating schedules – it gets harder as the years go by. But it is the best of times ever! As always… You are an inspiration! LOVE your steampunk blocks. Happy autumn to you!!!

  16. *So funny that you mentioned the bee hive and I posted about bees! ;) I really hadn’t seen your post first! :)
    Anyway… Nope, this is the first summer in a while where I didn’t make a “to do this summer” list. I had a “to do” list so we could get older daughter off to college and younger daughter onto high school smoothly. I did accomplish things I had set aside mentally-like the two aforementioned tasks-but also riding my bike to the library, running, changing my job path, working hard on devotionals, which I accomplished… However, I also wanted to get some new indoor plants and work on the ones I have. Some look a bit scraggly and others need repotting… Maybe we should do a “to-do before the holidays arrive list?

  17. what fun! loved seeing the projects and the cute treat bag.
    Have a super time – the steampunk blocks are looking great.
    Summer list?? what summer, lol all I saw was boxes, boxes, boxes :)

  18. STOP CUTTING THOSE BLOCKS!!!!!!! your friend is making the quilt and you could donate them to her – bahahahahaha.
    how’s it goin’ ABG?
    great job on your summer list. you’re a rock star.
    i want some quilty peeps, so i’ll work on quilts once and again.
    okay, well, i am SUPPOSED to be working, so here i go…. off to save the wwwooorrrllldddd
    have a good day anna.
    the countdown has begun!!!
    :waves madly

  19. Wow, what a talented bunch you all are – I love every single one of those quilts that each of you are making! I think a quilting get together is the perfect way to round off the summer and settle into autumn :)


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