
One Weekend in May

Happy Belated Mother’s Day to those of you in countries that celebrated yesterday.  I picked some flowers for you —  aren’t they beautiful?  We spent our weekend at the college graduation of TheSecondChild.  These flowers were in big patches all over an absolutely gorgeous campus.


Most of our weekend was insane.  Traffic was insane.  The crowds were insane.  The ceremony was insane.  Three hours long.  It was moved indoors at the last minute — into a stadium that hadn’t reached cool temperature yet (at 9 a.m.) so it was hot.  We were stuck in the upper deck.  Here’s a peek at our view.  In. Sane.


Thank goodness for modern technology.  TheSecondChild was able to text us and tell us where he was in that pinheadsized crowd.  See all those kids in caps and gowns on the floor?  They all walked.  Just crazy.  Knowing where he was in the crowd helped, ’cause when it came time for him to get in line, we were able to spot him.  A little yelp from his cousin and help from my zoom lens and we managed to get this, the closest picture to anything recognizable.


Still, we all had a good time.  We were high enough up that we could wander around and talk and visit without disturbing anyone around us.  And when it was finally all over, the school hosted a very nice champagne and strawberry reception.  I was amazed that they pulled that off with so many people.  It was fun to see the tables full of mounded strawberries with big bowls of powdered sugar.  A very cool idea and a chance to toast our new grad.


Our guy threw his hat in the big hat toss, so he lost the little year charm on his tassle.  But that’s ok, we all know the year.  Those four years disappeared in a blink.  He graduates with a degree in chemistry and now he’ll jump into the big abyss.  It’s not a terribly fun time to be a new college grad.


So, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go find a comfy chair and a cozy quilt, and try to figure out where the $#*$ the last 22 years went.


68 thoughts on “One Weekend in May”

  1. I can just feel the exhaustion. But how exiting, and how cute is your boy in the zoomed in picture!! I had a busy weekend with my girls full of their dance recitals. Wish we could sit and visit about time going by too quickly. With SF serving us beverages of course. He’s got to earn his keep and all. xo

  2. oh where do the years go? Thanks for the flowers, they are one of my favorites and I’ve been trying to find this variety everywhere..ugh!

  3. Oh man, I was almost the first one to comment and I would have been but I kept going back to watch the Hawks game in between reading your post.
    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! How exciting…I remember when our oldest graduated after 4 years of college. I hope he finds something in his field.

  4. Congrats to TheSecondChild. Wow – a degree in Chemistry. That was the only subject I really disliked all through school. (Don’t tell him that, though.) You must be so proud of him!! Loved the waving picture.
    I’m wondering where the last 22 years went, too. I graduated from HIGH SCHOOL in 1987! Arrrggghhh!

  5. Such a special day – I remember mine well though it wasn’t quite as big as that ceremony!

    Glad you all had a fun day and didn’t melt in the heat – and got to eat strawberries too!

  6. My “little” boy will be forty this year!!! I can’t even believe that I’m that old, much less my child. So, see – – it could be worse. :)
    But what an accomplishment – A degree. I am sure he will find a really good spot in the world. There are still plenty of them out there. Keep the faith.

  7. Congratulations to you, Anna! You made it through the end of “college tuition hell” (phrase borrowed from one of your previous posts). And congratulations to your son, too. I still remember what a relief it was to finally get that degree, even if I don’t use it anymore. Hope he gets to!

  8. Congratulations!! Certainly looks like a large ceremony! But he looks as if he was enjoying himself lots! The end of one chapter the start of the other – as you say where do the years go – I am sitting here thinking it is 18 years this year since I graduated!!

  9. Dear Anna,
    that must be quiet a thing, to see the children becoming adults. I´m sure you are very proud.
    The picture of the school- hall with all that people is unbelievable.
    Thaté different to Germany isn´t it?.
    If you like you ( and everybody you know)can enter my giveaway- challenge.
    Check it out, if you like.
    Have a good day,
    Bis bald

  10. Congratulations to Second Child – a degree in Chemistry is quite impressive. You must be so proud. Hope he finds the perfect job. Looks like you had a wonderful Mothers Day!

  11. Dear Anna,
    Congratulations to all! If you find out where the time has gone – let me know! Glad you had a great weekend. Congratulations on being tuition free also!

  12. aaaaaah – where do the years go indeedy? You must be very very proud of him. Another graduate in the family. Glad you survived the ceremony, I know you wouldn’t have missed it for the world. Big hug to a proud mum

  13. Hi Anna and congratulations to you and your son, what a huge accomplishment! The daisy picture is so pretty and I’m glad you’re not afraid of heights. We had the same problem trying to find our daughter in all those caps and gowns. You deserve that cozy quilt time.

  14. Awesome!

    It is a strange time for our kids to be graduating since there are basically very few jobs for them. Hopefully things turn around and afford them some opportunity!

    I feel the same way about the years gone by. Too fast, for sure. Too fast.

  15. Oh, ouch! It’s so great to see your baby graduate I’m sure, but I just read some articles this past Mother’s Day on how the time just flies. I am currently teaching letter sounds and encouraging motor skills, but I know I’ll be there soon.

    Grab that quilt!

  16. Ohhhhhh a chemist!

    I was just noticing on our local arena’s homepage the other day that all of the schools here now have graduation there. My high school, my college, etc. It makes me sad to think of that – everyone graduating at the same boring arena, instead of right in the middle of their own football fields, the way I did. Lovely memories actually.

  17. Congratulations to your son, what a great achievement. It looks like you were in the nose bleed section. So glad it wasn’t me up there, as I have a terrible fear of heights.

  18. Wow, that’s a lot of students graduating at once!

    I didn’t know it was a usual thing to hold graduations outside in the US. It certainly wouldn’t be a good idea in a British summer… soggy gowns ahoy! (Mind you, if it was sunny a black gown wouldn’t be the coolest outfit, either.)

    My university graduation was mostly in Latin, and my mother disgraced herself by giggling throughout. Unfortunately we were in a much smaller hall and I could see her very clearly for the whole time, and her giggles are catching!

  19. This is one of those bittersweet times. You’re proud of your child’s accomplishment, but you’re realizing the child has become an adult. All we can do is just go on loving them and be grateful for the time we’ve had. Either way, it hurts your heart.

  20. Congratulations on your Sons graduation!! That is sooo awesome and how fun that you were able to catch it on film. You really got a nice clear shot of him too! I can relate to the where did the years go thing. I’m so feeling it!

  21. Well congratulations!! That looks like quite a crowd – how nice that they were still able to pull off a reception for all those grads. Where does the time go? Heck if I know. Still can’t believe I’m signing up a kid for ACT prep class this summer.

  22. congrats to your son on his graduation from college. i can’t imagine what you are feeling right now. (if you want to travel back in time a bit, you can come and try to help me potty train my daughter. i’m having a dickens of a time doing so. :) )

  23. Many congratulations to thesecondchild and to you all! Strawberries are a great way to celebrate. Goodness though – 22? Does it fly by?

  24. Congratulations to your son on his graduation – strawberries and champagne sound good, the temp in the hall sounds awful! Glad you managed to have a good time anyway.

  25. That is insane!! And what were they thinking when they decided to hold a graduation ceremony on the same weekend as Mother’s Day? This weekend is supposed to be about you. Don’t those college higher-ups know that without mothers there would be no students to fund, I mean attend, college? Just kidding. Congrats to the graduate and Happy Mother’s Day to you. As for the last 22 years…I have no idea where they went. If you find out, let me know. I might want them back. LOL!

  26. Congrats Anna, it is wonderful and sad isn’t it? It seems like he was just born. Glad the busy week end is over for you, now you can relax (I know you won’t though) Have a great week xoxo

  27. Anna, we did it! We got our boys graduated. Now what? My son still doesn’t have a job in his career choice and is still at the restaurant he has worked in for the last three years. We are praying for a miracle! Best wishes to your son.

  28. HUGE congratulations. What an accomplishment — you must be so proud! Handsome guy and smart to boot! (Too bad he’s a little young for me… ;)

  29. Congratulations to the SecondChild on his graduation. The picture of him walking in line. Getting that shot must have been a small miracle.

    When you figure out where the last 22 years went, could you please let me know about the last twelve? I seem to have lost them.

  30. I feel your pain…our son graduted from college this weekend, also. Not the ideal time to be job hunting but it will all work out…have faith! D

  31. What a wonderful occasion to celebrate! Congratulations to your son and to you and your husband on his fine accomplishment, Anna.

    Your Mother’s Day had to have felt pretty special after that!

  32. Time marches on doesnt it? I’m wondering where the last 30 years went. lolol Because I’m only 25 you know.
    Those daisy’s are beautiful! And the strawberries look yummy.
    Congrats to your graduate!!!!!!

  33. He’s obviously played a huge time-flavoured trick on you. Packed 22 years into 22 weeks or something like that. Seriously, it is scary the way time speeds up once you have kids – people told me it would, but you don’t believe it until you have your own, do you?

    So glad you got to enjoy the day – despite the insanity.


  34. beautiful – I just love reading your posts about your boys all grown up. It makes me realise how quickly they do grow and to treasure the time together because before I know it, my little ones will be graduating too.

    Gorgeous photos.

  35. Isn’t that just like those darn kids to make us feel old? Well, congratulations on this big step. He couldn’t have done it without you!!!

  36. what a wonderful milepost for your family! have you figured out where those years went yet? if you do, would you let me know?

  37. Oh, gosh, Anna–where does the time go?

    You must be so proud of your science-minded boys. What are the chemistry-grad’s plans?



  38. Lovely pictures, my middle son is due to graduate from University in 2 months time although I think it will be a much smaller affair than your son’s ceremony.

  39. Congrats to you and your hubbie as well as the new graduate!!!! Our oldest is starting High School in September and I am soo sad to see him leaving primary school — they grow up so fast!!

  40. Your pics look like the pics I took at our son’s grad–I “lucked up” with the same sort of seats so my pics of the grads during the ceremony basically look a colony of ants with tassles. :) Thank goodness for text messages here too–we conversed throughout the ceremony. Fun!!

    Congrats to your graduate too. Best wishes as he enters a new phase in life.

  41. Had I realised you were such fans of graduations, I could have shown you when you were here Daughter 1’s graduation video from Oxford. It was very hilarious: all in Latin and involving much bowing and repeated (Latin) phrases; and then they all filed out, put on different gowns and did it all again with minor differences. I fear the Life household did a lot of giggling. Most disrespectful.

    Congratulations to Son 2! And yes, where did the last 22/23/ indeed in our case 29 years go?

  42. Congrats congrats! I can only imagine how you feel. But I must admit I started to tear up a little. I can’t imagine what it will be like to see my own little girl graduate. I can’t even imagine six months let alone twenty two years!

    Thanks for an amazing post!

  43. All the best to the Graduate! The seats we sat in with both of mine were in the same location as yours. Actually you get to take it all in. Congrats again to your son.

  44. (Waaaay behind in commenting, I am!)

    Congratulations and all the best for the future for your big boy. Times really are tough, but he sounds like a fine young man and I’m sure he’ll make his way.

  45. Just catching up on blogs…congratulations on your new grad! We did that today with our oldest…it’s such a relief when they actually graduate. Until that moment there’s always the niggling doubt that it actually will happen! We’re all in shock here…I feel like I just put him on that school bus to Kindergarten…

  46. Anna I would love to give you big congratulations hug … but your just to dam far away! Well done to your boy and good luck out in the grown-up world!

  47. I just realised that he is the same age as our Lisa (Mr DLN’s daughter) she is going to be studying in Miami for the last half of this year! What a life!

  48. Congratulations! My oldest DS graduated college as well. I am also trying to figure out where the years have gone!

  49. Hi Anna,
    a very late but nevertheless heartfelt congratulations ~ to your son and of course to you, raising such a smart guy. Congrats!!!

  50. A HUGE Congratulations to your graduate! Where does the time go, indeed? My one and only ‘child’ turns 32 tomorrow!! Yikes! I’m too young to have a kid that old. Ha ha ha……

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