Flora and Fauna
Wow! Thanks for all the Goofy Bag love! You’re all so kind!
Did you all have a good weekend? It’s been nice and relaxing here in Thimbleannaland after being away all week. We cleaned the house a bit, saw Mama Mia (which was a pleasant surprise) and had a nice day with MeMum and Big Daddy today.
So, in the absence of any exciting crafty news, I thought I’d follow Sharon’s Flora and Fauna lead and show you a few pics of summer around here. Remember my Gerbera Daisies? This is their second bloom — aren’t they funny though? There are two pots there — one pot grows really long stemmed flowers and the other pot has twice as many, but they’re short stemmed.
My pretty pink lilies bloomed while I was gone this week. They won’t be around long with the heat, so I’ll try to peek in on them every day.
I have a few pots of petunias on the patio. I’ll probably be trimming these in the next week or they’ll get too leggy.
Now, for fauna, we’ve had a very exciting spring this year. Two or three months ago, two big hawks moved into the top of one of our trees in the front yard and built a very large nest.
After they moved in, we didn’t see a whole lot of them. At one point we even thought they might have abandoned the nest. Then one day, we saw an extra head peeking over the edge of the nest. So, we just watched for a few weeks and nothing exciting happened, and again, we wondered if they’d grown and gone. Then one night about 10 days ago, we came home and there was lots of squawking up in the tree. The kids all happened to be home and I’m sure the neighbors wondered what we were all doing under that big tree looking up and pointing. It appeared that mama was kicking the baby birds out, as they were on the branches around the nest. Then, one of them flew to the top of a nearby tree — convenient for a picture, as the top of the tree has lost it’s leaves. I wasn’t sure if this was a parent or baby.
Again it was quiet for a day or two and we thought they were gone. Don’t birds leave the nest and fly away? Apparently not…the Saturday morning that I went to see Cami, they were all lined up on a nearby branch. Aren’t they cute? Look at those new little downy feathers. We initially thought there were only two babies, but these three all look like young birds.
Tonight when we came home from MeMum and BigDaddy’s, these three were playing on the front lawn. They were springing straight up in the air and TheManoftheHouse says he saw something in one of the birds talons. We watched them for a minute and the neighbors came over. They’ve been watching them too — it appears that the hawks live in our yard and their dining room is in the neighbor’s tree. He said he frequently finds small bird carcasses at the base of his tree. While we were watching them on the ground, they got spooked and flew into a tree where I could get a little closer and take this picture of one of them. He (she?) looks older already.
TheManoftheHouse came inside and did a little internet research. He thinks they’re Cooper’s Hawks and this Cornell website is full of more info if you’re interested. According to the website, they leave the nest around 5 weeks and go out on their own around 8 weeks. According to that schedule, we might only have a week left with them. We’ve had great fun watching them. The downside is that our birdfeeders (and the neighbors) are pretty lonely this year. It will be very interesting to see if they return next year.
If you have some interesting flora and fauna where you live, I’d love to see it!