

Bloggy Peeps

Yesterday was a very exciting day for me, as I had not one, but two fun bloggy meet-ups. I also managed to procure some Synthrapol and Shout Color Catcher so that I can ponder the solution to MeMum’s bleeding tree skirt.

Anyway, first I stopped in on Clementine’s to check up on Ms. Cami. Holy cow, is she ever a hoot! (You may remember that TheManoftheHouse and I stopped into Clementine’s last fall, so all that awkward first meeting stuff was behind us.) I was there long enough to take off my coat and feel at home. And as an added bonus, I got to meet Robin. I really wish I’d had more time — I would have pulled out some knitting, sat on a big comfy chair, and knit a spell. That’s going to be next time — I’ll drag the quilty peeps along and we’ll spend 1/2 day knitting bugging Cami and 1/2 day hitting the other shops in the big city. It was really fun to talk to Cami and Robin and see what they are working on. Cami is making the CUTEST baby sweater and I was kicking myself all the way home for not taking a picture of it! (Cami — please put a pic on your blog when you get done — everyone needs to see that cute twisted stitch on the button band.)

But I digress. Lookee what I came home with:

Sock Yarn

Isn’t that color heavenly? (I stuck the cute little stamp from Cami’s shopping bags in there too.) Cami is a knitting goddess. She’s convinced me to try doing two socks on one circ — one size 0 circ. I have to finish my current pair of socks-on-dpns but I’m really anxious to try Cami’s suggestions. I suspect I’ll be cursing her name until I get the hang of it. She’s tried to also convince me to do toe-up, but I’m definitely not ready for that yet. Besides, I secretly like doing the kitchener stitch and I think I’d miss it. Cami also has a GREAT selection of Westminster fabrics — she’s probably the only one in the whole state who does. If you’re in the vicinity of Franklin IN, you must stop in — you won’t regret it! (I even overheard the clerks in one of the other local quilt shops saying how neat Clementine’s is — BTW, Cami — could you puh-leez move up here? At least to the north side of the big city????)

After Clementine’s, it was on to meet Beckie. Several months ago, I commented on Beckie’s blog that I loved the little soldered pendants that she makes. She graciously offered to teach me how to make them. We decided to have a little bloggy trade — a bunny pincushion for a pendant lesson. (Guess who got the best of that deal?) Here’s my her little BeckieBunny wearing one of the soldered pendants:


Beckie is a sweetheart and I had a great time seeing some of her crafty projects. (Her bottle cap magnets are adorable.) She’s a great teacher and she was very patient with my questions and lack of speed. I love making these little pendants and I’m sure there will be more of them in my future. All the way home, when I wasn’t kicking myself for not taking a picture of Cami’s baby sweater, I was dreaming of all the ways I can use this new skill. Here’s the front view of the little pendants that I made:


And the back view:


I just love them! I really don’t advocate having a first bloggy meeting in a non-public location, it’s probably not “right bright”. We joked about how I didn’t end up in a pit in her backyard (someone recently watched The Silence of the Lambs LOL) and that I didn’t tie her up and kidnap the baby (tempting though it was — he’s soooooo cute!) Beckie, I can’t thank you enough for sharing your skill — I’ll cherish it and take good care of it. Your family and neighbors are very lucky to be in the midst of your fabulous talents!

I hope wherever you are, you’re staying warm (or cool, for those of you down under.) We’re having a pretty cold weekend here in the midwest. I sure hope someone is letting my goats stay in the kitchen LOL!


A Bunny Blogaversary

Boy, things are so lazy around here, my toughest decision everyday is pj’s or bathrobe LOL! I’ve been having a good time playing games and goofing off with family, which means I haven’t been on the computer very much this week. I wanted to hop on this evening though, and take care of a little bid-ness. A little bunny bid-ness.

First off, several months ago, I lured three little bloggers into my Pay It Forward project. I finally got my gifts mailed off, so I thought I’d show them to you. I made each PIFette a bunny and a little doll quilt. Since Sharon loves red, I made hers in red and I was lucky enough to give hers to her personally when I met her in November.

Sharon's Bunny Sharon's Bunny

One day I saw something made from the Dick and Jane fabrics on Jade’s blog, so I made her bunny and quilt out of Dick and Jane fabrics with a few extra added coordinates.

Jade's Bunny Jade's Bunny

And for Shropshire Girl, I have no explanation how I picked her fabrics. I just thought she might like the Susan Branch fabrics. I’m hoping she’s received her bunny by now as she’s been kind of missing in action in the last several weeks. She’s probably actually enjoying the holidays with her family!!!

Sandra's Bunny Sandra's Bunny

Now, for the rest of my Bunny Bid-ness — TODAY is my BLOGAVERSARY!!! WooHoo! It’s been such a fun year. I started out with a blogspot blog and then moved here to I remember I felt so shy and funny about that first blog entry, I didn’t even do a proper blog introduction — I just jumped right in and started complaining about my neighbors who were cutting down so many trees. Since that first entry, I’ve met so many of you from all over the world and I’ve truly enjoyed our e-mails back and forth. I’ve learned heaps from all of you — you’re all so full of wonderful ideas and I’ve tried to incorporate many of them into life here at Thimbleannaland. (The latest fabulous success was the yummy Cranberry Relish recipe shared by Rohanknitter. I made it for a side at our Christmas dinner and it was a huge hit! Thank you very much Ms. Weathertop!)

THANK YOU so much to all of you who visit here, and especially to those of you who leave a comment along the way to let me know what you think. I LURVE comments and feedback and a little two-way conversation. Anyway, I don’t want to get all sentimental and sniffly over this first year of blogging, so we’ll get right to the fun stuff. You know a blogaversary means a give-away!

Blogaversary Bunny

And at Thimbleannaland, a give-away means a bunny. You know the routine — just a leave a comment on this entry between now and midnight (Eastern Standard Time) next Saturday, January 5th and I’ll draw a winner on Sunday, January 6th. (Unless I’m still in my pj’s and I forget! ;-) )


Chocolate Swap, Part 2

Chocolate SwapMy Chocolate Swap partner Nicole finally got her package from me, so I can show you what I sent to her. And, more importantly, I can show you why Brown bunny was sulking with his back to the camera in the bunny family photo. He really isn’t Brown Bunny at all, he’s Chocolate Bunny and if he’d shown his tummy back then, it would have been pretty obvious who he was going to, what with the chocolate swap looming, don’t you think?

A few weeks after Sharon announced the chocolate swap, the Quilty Peeps and I were in NYC and I saw this chocolate fabric at City Quilter. I thought it would be just perfect for the chocolate swap and for a section on a chocolate bunny. I love the pink background — it’s hard to see but it has a very subtle white stamp to it that is a bit elegant. I love this fabric so much that I bought some more of it at The Fabric Shack on Tuesday. I plan to use it for some lounge pants for a friend’s Christmas gift this year.

Part of our chocolate swap assignment was to make a container for the chocolate.

Chocolate Swap

I made a little box and used the pattern from Amy Butler’s In Stitches book. I changed the handles though and ran into a little problem. Apparently I wasn’t paying attention when I drew the spaces for the handles — they’re the same size, but the handle on one side is lower than the handle on the other side. The ribbons around the handle are my lame attempt to cover that fact up.

Chocolate Swap

Shhh, don’t tell Nicole — maybe she won’t notice LOL! In addition to Chocolate Bunny and the chocolate, I tucked in a few pieces of brown and a pink piece of fabric. And sweet Nicole has sent me a very nice Thank You.

I hope if any of you braved the Black Friday crowds that you survived it. I’m not much of a shopper, and I’m definitely not a fan of the crowds, so I stayed home. Yay! I have to venture out tomorrow though to replenish a few sewing supplies. I hope everyone has a good weekend — we’re hoping to tackle our leaf problem and finish the yardwork for the season.


Bunny Games

Whew!  Thanks for all your great comments about our fun get-together with Sharon!  Holy Cow, that woman wears me out — she’s been running all over Indianapolis and she’s even found me a grill hanging off the side of a building to replace the one that fell over a few months ago, LOL.  After all the Saturday excitement, I was so tired I slept late on Sunday.  I would have slept longer, but my whining bunnies woke me up.  I’ve been working on a new batch for a few weeks now.  Christmas is just around the corner, and you never know when someone will drop by and you’ll need an impromtu little Bunny Gift.  You know, the boss drops by, so you have to say, “Here Mr. Supervisor, have a Bunny.”   Anyway, the bunnies were anxious for me to get them all done so they could go out and play.  They all waited patiently while I finished up the make-up on the last little Mary Bunny.

Bunny Makeup

They all had big plans to go out and play in the leaves but TheEmptyNestChild happened to mention to them that it was all drizzly outside.  They gathered in front of the window and wistfully looked out, dreaming of what could have been.  There was a little murmuring among the bunnies when they noticed that some naughty pranksters had smashed the neighbors pumpkins in our front yard.  I think they decided that the big wide world might not be safe for little bunnies.

Bunny Window

Since the bunnies had to stay inside, they decided to play their favorite Peter Rabbit games.  (You were expecting anything else?)  Draghts and Ludo.  Or here at our house, Checkers and Trouble.

Bunny Draughts Bunny Ludo

Then they started wrestling and piling on top of each other — Brown Bunny got the worst of it.  Mama Bunny kept a watchful eye.

Bunny Window

When it was all over, Mama Bunny had them all pose for a family portrait.  As you can see, she has her hands full with several sets of twins.  It’s pretty hard to get them all to stay still and sit up straight.  And Brown Bunny was still sulking and refused to turn around.

Bunny Family Portrait

So, we had a good day — all the bunnies together and playing games.  With the holidays approaching, they know they’ll soon be on their way to new homes.  Mama Bunny can’t keep them all around — too many mouths to feed!

Hope your week is off to a good start — thanks for stopping by!


P.S.  Did you notice the updated Holly Button over there in the sidebar?  The fabulous Hollycakes has been at it again — she’s written an article all about blogging for the upcoming February issue of McCall’s Quilting magazine — due on the newsstands any day now.  I’m very honored and excited that she’s included Thimbleanna in her article!  Thanks Holly!  You can read all about it here.

Red Bunny has a New Home.

TheManoftheHouse had been away for most of the week, but when he came home tonight, the first thing I did was ask him to draw a winning name for Red Bunny! He gladly obliged, wiped a tear from his eye (we’ll miss little Red Bunny), and stuck his hand in the bowl to draw a winner:

Red Bunny Winner

Joyce, Come On Down! Red Bunny is so excited — he’ll be winging his way to Canada. Lucky for him it’s August and he won’t need his sweater just yet. When we send our little ones out into the world we tell them not to forget where they came from, so I slapped a little tag on Red Bunny’s bottom to help him remember.

Red Bunny Tag

Then, I gave him a big hug and now he’s all packed up and waiting to be mailed this week. He looks a little worried, but he’ll be just fine. Especially when he gets a peek at all those lovely quilts that Joyce has been working on.

Red Bunny Packed

So, Joyce, click on that “email me” link over there to the right and send me your address. And for all the rest of you, thank you very much for all of your wonderful comments! They were very much appreciated. And, I’m sure there will be more bunny opportunities in the future! ;-)

Hope your weekend is fabulous!