Channeling My Inner Finny
For a few years now, I’ve been reading several blogs that, while generally crafty sorts of blogs, talk occasionally about running. After awhile, your start to think, “Hey – maybe I could run a bit too!” So, late last summer (as in 2009) I decided I was going to become a runner. I ran every other day for about 3 weeks and after the first week, my knees started killing me and by the third week, I could barely walk. I consulted My physical therapist CrazyBIL and he said “What do you expect, you’ve been a lazy-bum couch potato all your life, so give it up!” Ok, not really, but he did say that my leg muscles were weak, which was causing my knees to take the brunt of the impact and he gave me exercises to do.
I occasionally faithfully did the exercises over the winter and decided to try again in the spring. This time, I tried the couch to 5k program with a friend from work. After three weeks, my knees were doing great, but my legs were killing me. Fortunately, quilt market came along and saved me from myself. After market, I tried to pick up where I’d left off, but had to quit again after three weeks. Walking around peg-leg-like isn’t a good look.
So, I sat around for a week or two and gave it some thought. I decided maybe I was running too often. I started going to the Y and working out every day on the implement from hell elliptical machine. That way, I could keep up with the aerobic part of running and minimize the impact to my knees. After a week or two, I started running on the track, once every 4 or 5 days. It worked! No more soreness at all. I found the ticket, except for two things: I loathe the elliptical machine and running on a track is soooo boring. I’ve decided I’ll just have to suffer and give myself the occasional reward, like this one below, after the first time I finally made it to a mile. Suffering requires trade-offs!
I’ll never be a Finny or Raina or Jen, but if I can run a little now and then, I’ll be content. So far, I’ve made it up to 1.5 miles on the track and yesterday, I decided what-the-heck, let’s try for 2 miles outside — should be easy without the boredom of the track, right? Ha! I hadn’t factored in the heat and humidity and slight hills. Lucky for me, at 1.25 miles I had to stop to cross a busy 4-lane highway, so I bagged it and walked the rest of the way home. One must improvise when required.
I have no clue where my little running adventure will take me. I’m not really losing any weight (see reward program above.) Unlike Jan, exercise doesn’t discourage snacking. Quite the opposite — the little devil on my left shoulder says “Oh, go ahead, you just burned off some extra calories.” Apparently Jan has the little angel on her shoulder. Anyway, just in case you’ve been having trouble running or exercising, I thought you might benefit from the knowledge of what seems to be working for me. Don’t try to run too frequently (but exercise in between) and a little extra sugar never hurts. ;-)
P.S. Thank you SOOO much for all your wonderful comments on my ghastlies. I had several questions on where to get the fabric. It’s getting pretty hard to find now, but there are rumors that Alexander Henry plans to rerun the fabric next year with a new set of coordinating prints. I hope so — the frenzy that these fabric companies create by short fabric runs drives me crazy!