It’s been gift central around here this week and I’ve been very, very lucky! First up was a wonderful package from SweetiePie. I couldn’t figure out why she would be sending me a little surprise. I mean, a BIG surprise — just look at the fabulousness:
A super cute cupcake decorating kit with cupcake cups and little birdy picks. Aren’t they sweeeeet? And LOOK at that necklace. Do you know what it is?
It’s a Brighton Lanyard! A clip for my I.D. badge at work. Isn’t it gorgeous? I Love, Love, LOVE it! Once again — SweetiePie has lived up to her name — all these goodies as a Thank You to me for the wedding quilt. My goodness, I never expected this. A MIL couldn’t ask for a better DIL! Thank you so much SweetiePie — You. Are. The. BEST!!! Smoochies!
And then, if that wasn’t enough, we arrived home one night to find a package all the way from Australia on the doorstep. I had no idea what it could be. I squealed with delight when I opened it and TheManoftheHouse came over to see what was going on as I was unwrapping the first gift. “Boy, someone sure took a lot of time to make all those packages look so pretty” he said. Ooops! He was right, so I ran and grabbed the camera. Sorry, the picture is blurry and the pretty packages are a bit disheveled, but I was in a hurry!
When all was said and done, I’d unwrapped a treasure trove of goodies from Emma of Ballarat Patchwork. And then it dawned on me — this was my package from the spring swap. Oh. My. Gosh — how lucky could I be? LOOK! My picture isn’t the best — I’ve sadly cut off the head of the orange screen printed birdy, but trust me, he’s cute. And the colors! They’re all just fantastic! I’ve been on a lime green and orange kick lately so I really love this package. Can you see it all?
A yoyo maker, 2 screen-printed pieces, 4 pieces of fabric, 4 reels of ribbon, 1 spool of super delicious lime green pearl cotton, 4 lime green buttons, 3 beautiful postcards from Ballarat (I so love those — now I want to visit) and the pièce de résistance:
{Squeal!} Look at that adorable little turtle pin cushion. Oh, how I love it! Thank you so very much for everything Emma — you hit the nail on the head. Scored a home run. It’s the perfect swap package and I love it all! And thank you so very much Trashy for hosting the spring swap — what a fun time!
Now, Emma, you must cover your eyes, ’cause you won’t want to read this next part. Late in the middle of the night that I received the package, I awoke to thumpy noises from the cats. I got up to check, but didn’t find anything amiss, so I went back to bed. The next morning, I found that beautiful spool of green thread unwrapped all over the house — through stairway spindles, under chairs, wrapped around piano legs and on and on. Unwrapped to the very end. Fortunately, the thread is just fine and I’ll still enjoy using it — it’s just not in a pretty spool anymore. Bad, bad Kitties! Rest assured — they’ve been punished. They’re in the corner in timeout — hoping to be allowed out by the weekend!
Thank you SweetiePie and Emma for my wonderful gifts. You’ve both made my week!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
P.S. A few tidbits for you:
- How gorgeous is this Easter party? Makes me want children around again. (Thanks JunieQuiltyPeep for telling me about that blog years ago.)
- Via Peabody, this interesting blog about the Top 1000 Awesome Things. Wouldn’t it be fun to start a list and write one awesome thing every day?