It’s the Weekend!
Yipee!!! Here in the U.S., it’s a three-day, holiday weekend. And lookie — my weekend started off with a big surprise in my mailbox:
Isn’t that the cutest ribbon? And just perfect for the surprise inside — Frannie’s Favorite Recipes. Frannie is Marsha’s (from CuteStuffInside) daughter. (Read here for an adorable post about Frannie and her BFF.) Look at that Cah-Ute cover — I can hardly stand it! And the best part — it’s full of recipes for just my kind of food — cookies and cupcakes! (How did you know Frannie?) I’ve been looking for a good chocolate cupcake recipe and I can’t wait to try yours. Thank You SO Much Frannie. You’re a sweetheart. I’ll always cherish my new recipe book and the oh-so-sweet note you left inside!
Thanks for all the fun comments on my yoyo post. I probably should have explained the cause of this new obsession. Remember when I embroidered the monogram for my friend’s daughter’s bedroom? Shortly after that post, I delivered the monogram to my friend and she showed me the progress on her daughter’s room. Holy Crap! It’s just gorgeous. Hot. Pink. Walls. and beautiful black Ethan Allen furniture. And the pièce de résistance was this Ethan Allen yoyo quilt. The minute I laid eyes on it, I grew weak in the knees and started to hyperventilate.
In the days following that visit, that yoyo quilt was all I could think about. There were e-mails and discussions with Brigette and Ms. Barefoot (my yoyo quilt idol). Could I make one? What colors? Finally Brigette convinced me that red and white was the way to go — for a first yoyo quilt. So, that’s the plan — we’re making a red and white yoyo quilt. Hopefully, it will be done before I expire, and if it is, I could see a second yoyo quilt. And then a third. ‘Cause wouldn’t it be fun to try them in a bunch of different color combinations?
Now, on to the weekend. TheEmptyNestChild is hoping for a big escape and a grand adventure. I hope you have a great weekend too!
{Edited to add: OHMYGOSH! My weekend can end right now — look how lucky I’ve been! Breathe In. Breathe Out. This is going to take a whole stackful of paper bags for breathing!!!)