Happy New Year!
Well, Happy New Year!!! As is our tradition, we like to have the animals appear in their Happy New Year portrait. This year, Scruff (aka TheEmptyNestChild) is the star of the show. (Mostly because I can’t find Paul — he’s been hiding because we’ve had so many “visitors” in and out in the last few weeks.)
The other tradition is to look back on the previous year in sewing, knitting and travel. It was a rough year here in ThimbleannaLand boys and girls, so there’s not a whole lot to show for it. ;-(
Luckily, we had our new little FinallyAGirl make her appearance in June, which cheered up the whole sad year! Most of my sewing and knitting centered around our sweet little cherub. The only travel was three trips to Utah last year — sadly, one trip was to take our beloved BigDaddy back home for the final time, and the other two trips were for quilt market and just a fun family get-away.
Have you seen these fun Letter Folk Co boards? They recently posted this picture on Instagram, and with the exception of the arrival of FinallyAGirl, it pretty much sums up my feelings about 2016:
I’m really looking forward to 2017 and hoping it will be a whole lot less busy with mundane responsibilities and a whole lot more fun with lots of sewing and knitting. Crossing fingers! I suspect Utah trips will continue as our FinallyAGirl will be moving there later this year and this Grandma will be distraught! I must sharpen my facetime skills LOL!
Now I’m off to contemplate projects for this year. Have you noticed that Meredithe and Anne are having a 17 UFOs in 2017 challenge? I’ve been reading about it on several blogs and smugly thinking that I hadn’t let my UFOs get THAT out of control. But, silly me — I was tidying up a teeny bit in the sewing room this morning and several UFOs that I’d forgotten about were lying around — who knows how many I would find if I really cleaned up down there??? It’s a very sad state of affairs!!! Must. Get. Busy.
Happy New Year — May 2017 bring you lots of love, happiness and time to do all the fun stuff that you can dream about!