Whew! I’m finally home from market and trying to get caught up around here. After market, we went to Oklahoma (since we were in the neighborhood LOL) to help TheManoftheHouse’s father celebrate his 80th birthday, so it was a fun trip with some much needed family time.
Market seemed much quieter this time and with this being the 5th market that I’ve done with Kellie, we’re getting so much better at set-up, etc., so it didn’t seem as crazy. Or, maybe that’s because I only had one Australian to chase after — Kellie decided for this market to have our third person be someone from here in the states, and so, my quilty peep Junie joined us for all the fun. Surprisingly, Junie understood Australian quite well, so not much translation was required. Although, as you can see in the picture below, Kellie needed some cold medicine and it took two pharmacists to understand what she was trying to say LOL!

Other than our nightly trips to Wal-Mart and Target, there wasn’t much excitement gull-wise this trip. Junie and I did learn a few new Australian words though — Crosha which apparently means Crochet, Nar means No, and I have something about Hardwood Deck in my notes. Junie? Kellie??? Hmmm, I can’t seem to remember the translation!
Anyway, market unofficially kicks off with Sample Spree. Here’s Junie manning the Don’t Look Now tables.

And here’s a shot of some of the other tables. Definitely not as elegant looking or fun as past markets.

Here’s the Moda table being set up. We were right across the aisle from them. We were afraid we might be trampled, but it wasn’t too bad.

The mobbed Moda table. They came, they bought, and they had the tables cleaned off in about 30 minutes. It’s the Moda phenomenon — other booths don’t seem to have that “problem”.

The official start of market occurs the morning after Sample Spree. Here’s Kellie’s booth this time — looking quite a bit like the booth last fall, but with everything reversed.

Kellie debuted one new quilt this market and it’s an absolute stunner. I love this quilt and I’m kicking myself that I didn’t get some close-up shots of those gorgeous borders for you. You should see the trapunto. And her stitching is perfection.

My favorite thing about market is seeing people that I’ve “met” online. It was super fun to meet Little Red Hen and Tammy for the first time. And Amy! I was so excited to meet Amy that I couldn’t even remember her blog name when I introduced her to Junie — SO embarrassing! (In my defense, I associate people in my mind by either their names or their blog names but they don’t seem to mix unless their name is in their blog name!) I wanted to say, “Junie this is Amy of AmyBlog”, but I knew that didn’t work, so I just looked like a big ol’ goober! Sorry Amy! Then there were my usual suspects that I look forward to seeing at every market — Ms. Farmhouse, Anne, and Sharon. And CrazyMom! How fun to see her back at market and she was so sweet and brought me one of her darling thread catchers and pincushions! Thanks CrazyMom! I also got to meet most of my fellow Aurifil Girls for 2012. We had a group picture, but I haven’t seen it yet — I’ll post it when I find it.
And then there were my buddies who weren’t there in person, but were there in things they made. There’s Nanette on the left in the Lakehouse booth. (Pam Kitty was really there and manning the booth, but did I manage to get a picture of her? Nooooo. Bad Blogger!) How cute is that new fabric? Yummy!

Gail is another fun person who eluded my camera. I saw her several times, but never seemed to have my camera with me. My photo of her booth didn’t turn out, but I got a shot of this quilt from her booth. LOVE LOVE LOVE those cute posies!

Here’s Kristyne in the Lecien booth.

And Squeal! I found Amy hiding in the Lecien booth too. What a treat to see her darling pillow in real life!

And then there were the Quilted Fish girls. They were at market and I was so excited to meet them. Here’s Stephanie (on the left) and Jana (on the right) rockin’ the Quilted Fish Make and Take. Every time I went by that booth, they were having a big ol’ party!

The Fish Girls all got together and wrote a book full of projects. Here’s Stephanie holding up Jana’s adorable quilt from the book.

And a cropped off shot of the book with Stephanie’s SUPER cute needlework book, which is also a project in the book. I REALLY want to make one of these handy dandy little books!

So, that’s enough for this post, don’t you think? I’m sure I forgot someone — I ALWAYS do. ;-( I’ll be back soon with some booth photos. Hope you’re having a great weekend!