
The Aunts’ Quilt

The Aunts’ Quilt – Month 4

Well Auntlets, we’re on month 4 already, can you believe it? We’re more than half way on the big blocks — we’ll have this quilt done before we know it!  I know I’m ahead of our reporting date on the 15th of the month, but I thought I’d report in a little early for Valentine’s Day.


So … my blocks for this month.  The applique block:

Thimbleanna: Aunts' Quilt

And then the two pieced blocks (Oops, it looks like I did a little funky cropping on these pics — the blocks really are ok though):

Thimbleanna: Aunts' Quilt

Thimbleanna: Aunts' Quilt

And here’s a closeup of my little animal of the month.  Finally, a sheepie!

Thimbleanna: Aunts' Quilt

Now for the Cookie of the Month.   Of course, it HAS to be a Valentine cookie.  We have a family sugar cookie recipe, but I saw this one on Pinterest the other day, so I thought I’d try it.

Thimbleanna: Aunts' Quilt

This cookie is big (I made mine even bigger than they called for in the recipe) and soft and yummy with a cream cheese frosting.  I really liked this cookie, but TheManoftheHouse said he prefers a more traditional sugar cookie.  He isn’t a cream cheese fan.

Thimbleanna: Aunts' Quilt

Okey Doke. That’s it. I hope you Auntlets are having fun and working hard on your blocks (and sorry — since I have limited computer access on my little getaway, I can’t link up to everyone who is caught up this month ;-( ). Have a VERY Happy Valentine’s Day!!!


The Aunts’ Quilt – Month 3

Yipee!!! It’s time for the Month 3 Aunts’ Quilt Report! Technically, yesterday was the official day, and technically, I DID finish my blocks just in the nick of time (finishing up around midnight), but it was just too late to take pictures and report in. Then today, there was work and dinner with MeMum and BigDaddy, so there you have it. I’m a day late but not a dollar short — I’m all caught up for this month!

Here are the two pieced blocks for this month:

Thimbleanna: Aunts' Quilt

And the applique block:

Thimbleanna: Aunts' Quilt

Ohmygosh! I’m having SO much fun with this project. I LOVE choosing the fabrics. I love second guessing and wondering what the heck was I thinking. In this case, I’m wondering about those red flower centers — not sure they will all stay. I thought it would be fun to give the flowers a little pizzazz. Then, I decided I really don’t like them. But now, they’re growing on me. We’ll see.

And, last month, I had so much fun with the little puppy, that I thought I’d play around with maybe tucking a wee little animal into each block. This month it’s a bunny. Sorry, the bunnies aren’t very clear, but I hope you get the idea.

Thimbleanna: Aunts' Quilt

And the cookie of the month?  Well, it’s freezing cold January (sorry, to you Auntlets down under) and I wanted a good, hearty cookie to keep me warm.  This months’ cookies are Karen’s Awesome White Chocolate Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies.

Thimbleanna: Aunts' Quilt

I’ve been making these cookies since 2008 when I first found them on Karen’s blog and they’re a big favorite. If you like the main ingredients, give them a try — I think you’ll love them! (As you can see, the Kitchen Pig was VERY interested the day I was baking them!)

Thimbleanna: Aunts' Quilt

For you little Auntlets, I hope you’re having a good time with this quilt. Once again, kudos to Karen R, our star pupil, for being the first one done this month.  Some of you have been working very hard to catch up — Yay!!! Keep going and by next month, you’ll be all caught up.  Some of you are struggling a bit.  Clear your calendar — it’s worth it!  If you haven’t started yet, don’t be afraid — it really is a lot of fun!

Ok, be good kids, and have a great weekend!

The Aunts’ Quilt – Month 2

OH. MY. GOSH. Didyamissme???? Probably not — you’re too busy to even notice that I was gone. BUT. My happy little place here on the internet was hacked two weeks ago. Let’s just say, if you’re a middle aged man seeking a little blue pill to aid in your horizontal refreshment (as Sherlock (not THE Sherlock, but the American version) referred to it), THIS was the place to be. (See Carole? It wasn’t your imagination when the drug offer popped up on your screen!)

Anyway, it took 11 long days and HOURS and hours on the phone with tech support. There are still a few little things that are wrong, but they can stay that way for a few weeks — I’m tired of messing with it! And I’ll have you know — when I rule the world, hackers WILL be waterboarded. Multiple times. And then they’ll be drawn and quartered and then shot by a firing squad. The End.

Lots has happened around here in the meantime. You know … the holidays are upon us. The highlight was last weekend when TheFirstChild and SweetiePie came for an early Christmas (their year with the in-laws). We had a good time, but now I’m sad they we won’t see them again until January sometime. SweetiePie left her mark on the kitchen chalkboard, so, at least I can smile every time I walk through the kitchen.

Thimbleanna: Chalkboard

Now, on to the Aunts’ Report. Your fearless leader fell behind this month, but I’m sure I’ll be caught up by the Month 3 report. I managed to get some stems and leaves stitched down. Still to do are the pieced blocks and choosing of fabrics for the rest of the applique block. I’m having soooo much fun with this pattern!

Thimbleanna: Aunts' Quilt

And, let’s not forget the Cookie of the Month! We must have refreshment while we’re stitching. You long-time readers may remember my Christmas cookie true love — Angel Slices. So, naturally, it only makes sense that those sweet little cookies should be the Cookie of the Month.

Thimbleanna: Aunts' Quilt

So, sorry to have been so late with the quilt report this month — if I’m late again I hope I won’t have a good excuse, because we don’t need any more of that brand of blog fun for awhile! In the meantime — only 5 more days! Are you ready???


The Aunts’ Quilt — Month 1

Hello out there.  How are all you little Auntlets doing?  We’re done with month one — did you all make the deadline?  I finished my blocks about two weeks ago and had big plans to work ahead on next month’s assignment, but it didn’t happen.

Thimbleanna: The Aunts' Quilt

Thimbleanna: The Aunts' Quilt

Anyway, it’s been a lot of fun — I love this project so far.  Several of you Auntlets have completed your first month too — Congratulations.  It’s worth taking a peek at those links in my sidebar — some of the Auntlets are sharing their blocks as they finish them.

Thimbleanna: The Aunts' Quilt

Don’t worry if you’re an Auntlet with a slow start.  We’re not on a strict schedule.  I’m not going to beat you or publicly shame you if you don’t keep up.   Although, I would like you to consider that one problem might be that you aren’t snacking enough while you sew.  Chocolate is always good to fortify a girl.  And Cookies (ok, biscuits for those of you down under) are a must.  I’ve decided I’m going to have to have a cookie of the month.  This month it’s definitely been Rice Krispy Cookies.

Thimbleanna: The Aunts' Quilt

And now, on to the next month’s assignment. It’s going to be tougher to keep up — the holidays are looming!


The Aunts’ Quilt

I’m interrupting my last Australia post so that we can get the Aunts’ Quilt quiltalong started.  Are you ladies that are playing along ready?  Most of you should have your patterns by now, so, let’s lay out a plan, shall we?

Thimbleanna: Aunts' Quilt

I originally thought we would do one pieced block and one applique block per month until we were done.  But, upon further inspection, it looks like we need to do two pieced blocks and one applique block per month if we want to finish this quilt in a year — and we DO want to finish in a year, right?  That way, you can be done and ready for quilting before Christmas, next year.

So, here’s a schedule that I thought we could follow:
Month 1: Block 1 and 2 pieced blocks
Month 2: Block 2 and 2 pieced blocks
Month 3: Block 3 and 2 pieced blocks
Month 4: Block 4 and 2 pieced blocks
Month 5: Block 5 and 2 pieced blocks
Month 6: Block 6 and 2 pieced blocks
Month 7: 4 inset triangles
Month 8: 4 inset triangles
Month 9: 2 inset triangles and 2 corners
Month 10: 2 corners and construct quilt and attach border background
Month 11: Side scallops
Month 12: Top and bottom scallops

I’ll be here to remind you of the schedule each month and generally cheer you along. We’ll base our months on the 15th of each month — so the first month will be Oct. 15th – Nov. 15th (we’re late already!). I debated about taking a month off during the holidays, but instead, I think we’ll just keep a schedule and if you get behind, you can use the slow winter months (I don’t think we have any participants from down under, do we?) to catch up.

I’ve also debated about ways to share our progress. For those of you who have blogs, let me know you’re playing along and I’ll add your blog name to the side bar. If you don’t have a blog and you want to send me pictures each month, I’ll be happy to share them here, on my blog. AND, if you have instagram, let’s post progress under the hashtag “#theauntsquilt” — there are already a few pictures from Australian quilters under that hashtag.

Also, a few of you mentioned that you are new to applique, so I thought I’d show you my favorite way to make the bias strips that we’ll need for the stems on our applique blocks. Years ago, I used to do needle turn stems and, one day, MeMum showed me this technique and changed my applique world. It’s SO much easier than any other method I’ve seen.  You’ll need a set of bias bars.   I’ve seen them in metal and nylon and either kind work just fine.

Thimbleanna: Making Bias

You need to cut bias strips of your stem fabric.  To calculate how wide to cut your bias strip, take the finished size of your bias stem, multiply by two, and add 3/4″.  So, if you’re making a 3/8″ bias stem: 3/8″ x 2 = 3/4″ + 3/4″ = 1 1/2″.  You would cut your bias strip 1 1/2″ wide.

Here, try another one.  If you’re making a 1/4″ bias stem: 1/4″ x 2 = 1/2″ + 3/4″ = 1 1/4″.  You would cut your bias strip 1 1/4″ wide.  Make sense?

Fold your bias strip wrong sides together.  (Don’t make the mistake that I make when I’m on auto-pilot and sew right sides together or you’ll be unpicking.)  Then, stitch a generous 1/4″ from the raw edges.

Thimbleanna: Making Bias

If your finished bias stem will be 3/8″ or smaller, you may need to trim your 1/4″ seam just a little bit.

Thimbleanna: Making Bias

Insert the rounded end of the bias bar into your tube of fabric and shift the seam toward one side of the bias stem.  Press the seam flat, shifting the bias bar along the length of the tube as you press.

Thimbleanna: Making Bias

When you flip your bias stem over, you won’t be able to see the seam.  In the blurry picture below, the wrong side of the bias stem is the top strip, and the right side is shown in the bottom strip.

Thimbleanna: Making Bias

Pretty slick, huh?  When you applique your strip down to your background fabric, the raw edge of the seam will be enclosed by your two rows of stitches.  I love this method because there’s no fabric turning involved — it’s quick and easy!

Thimbleanna: Making Bias

Ok kids — get to work. I hope choosing fabrics will be easier for you than it is for me. The only decisions I’ve made so far are the green stripe for the stems and the same Kei dot fabrics that Gina used. I’ve pulled a bajillion fabrics from my stash and can’t decide on anything. Also, if you have any suggestions for the quiltalong, I’m all ears!   Good Luck!


Oh P.S. — Here’s a little tip — when you have your fabrics pulled each month, you might want to cut a few of the scallops — it will save a lot of time at the end when we’re making the scalloped borders!