
Duck, Duck … Invitation.

Ok, it’s been almost 3 weeks since I mentioned the W-word. Did you think maybe I’ve forgotten all about it? Or maybe … gasp … they’ve called it off????

Wedding Invitations

Nope…nothing so drastic. Can I just say these weddings are a lot of work? I used to wonder why people get so wrapped around the axle over weddings. They’re a lot of fun, but it would be a lot easier to just elope and take all that money to start a new life!

Wedding Invitations

This has been invitation week. The invitations arrived last weekend (or was it even before that? — the days are flying by) and we spent several days adding ribbons to them and lining the inner envelopes (and, apparently I’ve failed to get envelope pictures.) Then we had to make the little map with accommodations information that was also tucked into each envelope. And there was envelope stuffing. And stamping. And sealing.

Wedding Invitations

The sealing was a lot of fun (next to rubbing our fingers over all those raised letters — we’re apparently touchy-feely types!) We were like kids in a candy store melting that wax and watching each blob turn into an initial. They’re all done now and have been mailed off. Yay!

Wedding Invitations

And for those of you who are “W” adverse, here’s a few pictures for you.  The duck couple was hanging out this weekend. Here’s the picture from yesterday morning.

Male Ducks

Wait a minute! Look closer up there…that’s two male ducks! I had to kind of scare them a little to get that second male to un-tuck his head so I could see the unmistakable green feathers. I found myself in the same position as Nicole and her little Ozzie — could my duck be gay? I mean, he’s not eating lipstick or anything (although he is wearing orange shoes), but where’s the Mrs. … and who’s this new guy he’s hanging around with? Nicole seems to be taking it all in stride, and while I really want to be open minded, I was a little concerned about Mrs. Duck.

Duck Couple

But alas, all that Saturday worrying for naught. The Mrs. was back this morning. I guess she ran that other guy off. The men-folk were probably just hanging around the local watering hole while the women folk were out having their feathers done. Now, I just wish they’d get busy and make some baby ducks. They always hang around eating the grub for a few weeks, but they never stay long enough to produce the babies. Freeloaders.

Hope you all have a great week!


21 thoughts on “Duck, Duck … Invitation.”

  1. Invitation putting-together is always the most fun activity, I think. (Except for the menu tasting) Of course, the hard job of what words to say where has already been done. The wax stamp seals are so cool. I must remember that for the next invite opportunity.

  2. those invitations look so pretty. I’ve never tried that wax seal before. Looks like fun. Now get busy packing those bags. We’ve got shopping to do.

  3. I love the way you have placed the ribbon around the invites. The sealing wax is such a novel idea and even the stamps are beautiful! I was amazed at just how long it too to actually get all the bits and bobs reday to be inserted intot he envelopes. My greatest fear is that I have lost track over who is coming as some of the invited didn’t send the replies by post and it all got a bit crazy at one point! Think we might need a table with no names on for emergencies lol

  4. Oh Anna they all look beautiful. I love weddings and stationery and invites. Keep the posts coming about the wedding – I love them.

    Also, you are hilarious, you had me laughing so much about your ‘gay’ ducks!! Keep it coming.

  5. Oh you do make me laugh – especially about your ducks being freeloaders! Love the invitations – I remember our wedding being quite a procedure! I loved organising it all with my mum and dad!

  6. Ribbons and sealing wax, I just love details like that. Getting the invitations done and mailed is one of the big wedding tasks.

    Thanks for sharing the ducks, too. I just love watching ducks.

  7. Ooooooohhhh! It’s almost here!!!! You are going to have such a great time. Take time to be still and really look and feel what is going on around you during all the wedding happenings. After my son’s wedding last September I thought that everything went by way too fast. I feel like I needed to do it all over to enjoy it more. I felt a little sad. But we had a wonderful magical time. I’ve never seen him happier!

  8. Everything is going to go so well. You’ve put the class into the wedding thing. Very nice. Weddings are not my favorite thing and I think W should stand for WORK! Good luck with it all.

  9. Looking very nice. I have a daughter that will probably be getting married within the next 5 years – although no prospects in the picture yet, but hey, she is 22! Lots of time I keep telling her, but she is ready to start a family, lol, and does want to do it with a husband in tow. Anyway – I know who to call now for HELP!

    Thanks for the duck pictures and your narration is just priceless!

  10. Those invitations are so pretty, elegant and beautiful. I love the idea of having sealing wax on the envelope. Very classy Ms. Anna. What a hoot on the duck issue. Friday we had the ducks back in our yard, but it was 2 males and a female. I’ve been known to run out into the back yard and scare them off. I don’t want that poor female to be attacked if you know what I mean. Anyway the other female showed up and everyone, including me was happy :).

    Hugs – Karen

  11. Love the invitations, they look so elegant. I think any bride would be proud! The ducks are just wonderful and bring a smile to my face. Although, usually any animal that is small and cute does that. Come to think of it usually any animal does that with the exception of slimy, scaly ones.

  12. What an exciting time. We threw our wedding together in a couple of months (married a military man), but I hope to get to do all the fun stuff with my girls.

    Hey, we had ducks also. I love watching them. I like to go to one of the little “lakes” and watch the babies.

  13. Wow, it’s getting closer! Those invites look beautiful (if also labor intensive). Glad Mr & Mrs Duck are back together – they need to have some little ducklings around for you – that would be adorable!

  14. Such a lovely project, made by hand. That’s special. I really like the ribbon on each one.

    Your mallards remind me of a little story I wrote about a pair of Mallards. I should dig it out of my discs and post it … ah but time …

    Lovely invitations!

  15. Your invitations look beautiful – it is really getting close now! How lucky you are to be able to be so involved in the wedding planning and “chores” – many times the mother of the groom is relagated to “keep your mouth shut and wear beige!”

  16. The invites are SO inviting! I love the wax seals, too! I used to have one, and used it every time I would write a letter, just so I could run my fingers over the waxy bumps. Something very satisfying about that!
    Love the duck photos. I think the guys were having a boy’s night out, don’t you? The Mrs. is a very understanding sort, obviously.

  17. Simply lovely, Anna! I’ve really enjoyed following along with all of your plans. The big day will be here before you know it. And BTW, Soccer Guy and Girlfriend have set a date and the ring is finally on her finger. We couldn’t be more thrilled!!!

  18. yes I hear you! lovely invites by the way! my little sis gets married in 2 weeks and we’re all caught up in the preparations and I remember from my own wedding my mum and sister telling me I was doing much ‘fluff’ and didn’t need it all…only after the wedding day did they say it was perfect and worth all the work…..and yes they are worth the work! good luck and have fun

  19. Pretty invitations and yes, lots and lots of little details that equal work. We are in “wedding mode” too, getting ready for a May 31st wedding. When’s yours?

    Happy Days Leading Up to the Wedding!

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