
Five for Friday

I’m a day late with some Very exciting news!  Several weeks ago Pat Sloan contacted me and asked if I’d join her and eleven fabulous ladies in creating the Aurifil 2012 Block of the Month.  Of course, I said yes, and I’m so looking forward to the 5th of the every month to see what the new block will be.  (I’m Miss May!)  We’ll each be doing an embroidered block and you’re invited to join the fun.  LOOK at this fantastic block that Miss January, Roseann from Rosebud’s Cottage has created:

Roseann's Block

Isn’t it ADORABLE? She’s certainly set a high standard for the rest of us to follow. You can read all about the block of the month HERE.  Be sure and join in, add your blocks to the flickr page, and be entered to win free Aurifil thread every month. It’s going to be a fun project — especially if you love embroidery!

I’m hoping to celebrate the end of my lovely winter break by having a little Netflix Downton Abbey marathon tomorrow (today?) while doing some applique. Not sure it’s going to work out though — we’re VERY fortunate to have TheFirstChild home for six weeks as he does a surgery rotation here in our fair city, and he’s just coming off of a 24 hour shift so he’ll need some sleep. The telly (see, getting in the Downton Abbey mood) acoustics in our house are NOT conducive to sleep almost anywhere in the house. Either way, I’ll find a way to sew somehow. My winter break consisted of … not enough sewing!

TheManoftheHouse and I went to visit SweetiePie this week. While we were there, we found this little blue and white vase at Anthropologie. I had to have it for the kitchen. The kitchen was going to have red as the accent color, but it just never felt right. I’m a blue girl, so blue it is and now I finally feel settled about that decision.

Blue Vase

It was love at first sight when I saw Amy Butler’s new corduroy fabric at spring market. I finally got my mitts on some — there will be a snuggly shirt in my future.

Amy Butler Fabric

Do you love reading blogs like I do? I love how everyone has their own personality. Some are funny. Calm. Thoughtful. Inspiring. I love how sometimes I’ll be scrolling through my reader and I’ll miss which blog I’m reading, but I just know where I am by the style of the writing or the photos. Gosh, I love the internet!

Happy Weekend!

54 thoughts on “Five for Friday”

  1. Hope you get your Downtown fix, the perfect snugly winter treat! Love that Amy Butler corduroy, I didn’t know about it – that’s one of the many things I live about reading blogs, acres of inspiration, new discoveries, armchair travel, wonderful.

  2. Have to agree I love reading blogs – it’s like getting a free crafty magazine at the touch of a button but far better!

    The block is beautiful x And liking the funky fabric for your future shirt.

    Leah x

  3. Can’t wait to see what you come up with -will it have a thimble? I am going to play along with the block of the month and would like to try the 12wt aurifil thread. Got to find an on-line source for it though, so off to google I go.

  4. Is there a way to follow the aurifil bom site? I did not see a follow button and I want to get each month’s pattern.

  5. Love Downton Abbey. Season 2 starts THIS Sunday at 8 on PBS. Yay! And where-o-where can I watch that Christmas special? Didn’t see it on PBS.

  6. I wish I could embroider, but sadly I can’t. I so would love to join in the Aurifil Block of the Month. But I can enjoy the the blocks as they are revealed. Can’t wait to see the May block. Enjoy the last few days of your break.

  7. Wow, I don’t know how you do it all! I wish you lived across the street… then we could watch Downton Abbey, sew or knit or bake, drink tea, or coffee, or wine… oh the things we could do. :) Your posts are a great start to my day.

  8. Well, look at you, getting all famous! Congratulations, what an honor to be asked to design for Auriful! I’m so happy for you. Love the vase! I’m glad you found the color that you can be happy with. My kitchen is painted barn red and I love being in there. Isn’t it funny how certain colors make us feel? My kitchen was light blue and my hallways a light green…colors I chose to paint in the summer. I loved it with crisp white curtains in the windows…until winter came. It was so bright and couldn’t stand being in the kitchen in the winter and couldn’t imagine what I was thinking when I painted those colors! Now with the red walls and the hallway being a golden tan, I just love being in there, all year ’round!

  9. Congratulations Miss May!
    I’m with you on the blue. I tried to do red and yellow in my kitchen once, because it was the hot thing at the time. I hated it. It taught me, no matter what the trendy color is at the time, I have to stay true to what appeals to my eye for the home. I love red in other homes, but blue is what makes me happy in my own.
    I love it when I can tell whose blog it is I’m reading by recognizing their “voice” in their writing, and I can always recognize your voice. xoxo

  10. Congratulations! Miss May. I wonder what you’re going to come up with for your block. Have fun just relaxing on your last days of break. If you’re bored you can always come to my house and fold laundry. LOL! I’ve been ignoring it and now I need to pay. UGH.

  11. I can’t wait to see what you come up! I’m a huge fan of Downton Abbey too! I’m waiting for season 2 to start Sunday!!!!! Hope all is well! :)

  12. Oh, I love Downton so much. I just about managed to stay awake for the two hour Christmas special on Christmas Day. I have to say, it does go pretty crazy during the second part of the second season but the special rather redeems the writing team. That block is so pretty! Maybe I’ll manage to do some embroidery as one of my projects for 2012 ;-)

  13. I love Downton Abby. I love embroidery (been doing it since I was 4) and that January block is simply charming. What a fun project. Have a great week.

  14. Congratulations Miss May! I love reading blogs too and yours is right at the top of my list (okay – it’s not technically at the top – they’re in alpha order – but it’s definitely the one I check to see if you have a new post first!).

  15. Who doesn’t love reading blogs? It’s such a great pastime and you get to “meet” some really lovely people. I am really looking forward to the embroidery block of the month. The snow bird is adorable. Your vase is very cool. The kids gave me a measuring set from Anthropologie for Christmas. All the measures stack into a cute milk bottle. It’s very hard to choose things there, it’s all so fun.
    Hope you have a great weekend, Anna!

  16. So exciting to be Miss May! (Wink)
    Congratulations – can’t wait to see what you design! Of course I have to start this right away. The peeps should do this as a group project this year! Enjoy the weekend!

  17. Downton Abbey is a huge hit in Ireland. Even my elderly parents learnt how to work the DVD player to watch it!
    Waiting patiently for new season of Mad Men to start here.
    Must take a look at Anthropologie site as we don’t have it here sadly

  18. Downton Abbey has just passed me by – not my kind of thing, but I hope you have enjoyed watching it. However the little blue and white dish is definitely my kind of thing!!

  19. Ok I’m not entirely sure who/what Aurifil are, but judging from the comments it’s a pretty awesome thing to be asked to contribute a block! Can’t wait to see what you come up with.

    I think Roseanne’s snow bird block is wonderful, it has a lovely vintage feel yet the fabrics are so bright and modern.

    I wish I could share your love for the internet! I do struggle with the vastness of the thing – it somehow makes me feel isolated (ironic I know!). I’d love to blog more on Make It Up but I definitely need a game plan before I go ahead.

  20. Firstly my apologies as I’m way behind on blog reading and commenting . I feel as though tonight I’ve finally caught up with everything I had to do so fingers crossed it stays that way. Congratulations on your block, I’m really looking forward to seeing it. I’ve never watched Downton but am totally hooked on American Horror Story at the minute.. have you seen it?

  21. Congratulations! That is exciting news! I can’t wait to see the block you come up with. :)

    And that corduroy fabric is gorgeous!

  22. Miss May…what a compliment to the cook…err embroiderer that is! Cool. I am sure you will come up with something very neat. That first block is pretty. May is the best month by the way, the first is my birthday. Enjoy having your son home. Very nice I am sure. Make him plenty of meals and spoil him rotten. :)

  23. I love to embroider and so I am so excited to see your blocks…all the blocks. That snowbird is irresistable. I just watched the second disk of season one Downton Abbey…LOVE!

    oh yeah one more Love…your Header is AMAZING as always, you surprise me every season.

  24. Wow! You are soon to be the even more famous Thimbleanna! I can’t wait to see your block. The Snowbird is adorable and I don’t normally do much embroidery but am tempted with this. Do you know if there will be kits available?

    I’m a blog reading junkie too. So much inspiration available that sometimes I feel overwhelmed tho!

    Enjoy your time off and your son’s visit!

  25. Congratulations, Miss May! I’m looking forward to seeing your block.

    What?? Not enough sewing during the break? Me neither…in fact, I can’t remember if I even turned on my sewing machine other than to finish the OnlyChild’s Christmas ornament. Sad, sad, sad… and I have to go back to work on Monday.

  26. Hey Miss may, I might have to get into these blocks…but there is nothing that says I have to do them all. What I did do though is run right over to Anthropologie and get that vase…well actually 2, one for me and one as a birthday present for my baker daughter, I know such a copy cat but I love it! ( I love reading blogs, its a whole circle of friends I didn’t have 3 yrs ago!)

  27. i see a snuggly shirt in MY future as well! LOVE that fabric, want a shirt from it. do tell.
    okay… and i also love the vase. i see a trip to anthro in my near future.
    i’m thinking of blogging again. but… i dont want you know who to blog stalk me. i’m just full of trepidation about the whole thing. hmmm. what’s a girl to do?
    i miss you. i like you more than most of my *real* friends and while i’m making tons of confessions.. i cheated on my diet today and stole a very small slice of cranberry orange bread out of the loaf in the freezer that i put there to keep me from sneaking any cranberry orange bread.
    the end.
    :waves madly

  28. oh and btw, you have a new name.
    it’s annamay.
    embrace your southernness.
    next thing you know, you’ll be posting recipes for mint julips and saying “bless her heart”

  29. Just looking at the embroidery makes me want to run for my hoop, it sounds like so much fun! Can’t wait to get some more sewing going on at my house… just not enough time in the day. Love all your fives and the internet, Happy Weekend Anna!!!

  30. what a great honor…miss may!
    & i love the new vase…might have to purchase one!
    enjoy the weekend!

  31. Happy New Year and it sounds like you already have some cool things going on, congrats!! Cannot wait to see what you do, it will be fab. Wish I was there to have tea and watch Downton Abby with you xox Clarice

  32. 1. Love the Snow Bird.
    2. Haven’t watched Downton Abbey, but need to rent the first season.
    3. Love the “Eat Cake” vase. My sentiments exactly.
    4. I’d like a shirt from that, too. Would you like to make a second? (Hey, it doesn’t hurt to ask.)
    5. Yes, I do. I read SO many and love them all.
    6. I’m still trying not to envy your sewing room.
    7. You’re the best! I heart you!

  33. Ooh, the snow bird block is so pretty. Once again I wish I was a quilter. I have heard lots of good things about Downtown Abbey and hope to check it out, too. I’m with you on the blue and white. I have a collection of mismatched small blue and white plates that I pick up at antique shops and thrift stores like Goodwill. It’s fun to hunt for them– I only buy the ones that make my heart skip a beat. Happy new year, Anna!

  34. Love Downton Abbey! I have them so I can watch them anytime I want. I did watch the Christmas Special too (it didn’t spoil that much, well, maybe it did but I don’t care). Looking forward now to May.

  35. Hmmmm haven’t heard of Downtown Abbey – I think I’m missing something. Cute block and of course you know how I feel about embroidery – handwork sister is the best. Cute cute vase – and will look great in the new kitchen. Reading blogs – heck yes, between that and Pinterest- to much time looking at the computer screen. We had sweet DIL before she was the DIL stay with us during her 6 week rotation and it was such an enjoyable time because the older one wasn’t at home – gave us lots of time with her – I think she enjoyed it as well, lol. Hope you get some sewing time :). Hugs

  36. Exciting news. I have done stitchery with Aurifil thread and it works very well. I’ll try to keep up with your Block of the Month.

  37. I’m excited for you. You are so talented and I’m sure your block will be amazing. I bought the Downton Abbey 1st series at Costco awhile ago. We love anything English like that. I’m starting to have quite the collection. Happy sewing! Kim

  38. Sounds as though your New Year has started well:) Did you get to watch Downton Abbey? The Christmas Special was the highlight of my Christmas viewing and I got series 2 on DVD as one of my presents as well.

  39. Oh, I love that vase – actually I love almost anything at Anthropology!
    The new project sounds like fun for you and all.

  40. So fun to hear about the new Aurifil project Anna! You will love the threads!! Looking forward to see your block!
    I will pop over to see the January block pattern, not sure however if I can find some time to join in the fun.

  41. Ha, ha, I guess great minds follow the same course. I also spent a day in my jammies watching the entire first season. Loved the beginning of Season 2 too! I LOVE the kitchen! I can’t believe that I hadn’t heard about it until very recently.

  42. Congratulations on being selected in the Block of the Month! The snow bird is gorgeous – can’t wait to see the other months.

  43. So Ms May, how does it feel to be number 5? Did you know that in numerology five is freedom, unwillingness to be tied down, gotta have my freedom to move. Nice number in my opinion, but what do I know? ;o) Can I be your friend? You seem to have so many connections! ;o) So how was your marathon? Love blogs, because it allows me to spend time with blogging friends on my time. It’s me, my drink of choice and catching up on news. I just need to get my act together and blog more often so people can sit with me also! So, what happened to the red knobs on your stove? Will they clash with the blue? Did you change them? Just curious! Work week for me! As much as I love my job, I could have used another week off! I am so tired! But… gotta teach today. Off to make another latte! Have a great day! It was nice visiting with you! Cheers!

  44. Love everything…and your thoughts on the inspiration from blogs are just right on…so glad I found creative blogs a few years ago!

  45. i LOVE that vase! Yay! Embroidery! Yay! Enjoy the first born being home. Enjoy sitting and sewing(a little). ;p

  46. Miss May, eh? Sounds like someone out of Mrs Gaskell. You’ll need to make yourself a bonnet.

    How lovely to have your boy home with you! Tie him to a chair so that he can’t leave…

  47. Darling fabric, it looks perfect. I need to do UFOs first before starting new fun things. Kind of like doing your homework before watching TV. I hate that.

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