The Weather and Such
Oh Dear, I’ve committed a blogging faux pas. In my last post, I said “when you start talking about the weather, you’ve run out of things to say” and several of you rather eloquently proved me wrong! I take it back. I’ve really enjoyed reading your weather posts and I look forward to many more!
Maybe it’s just that our weather has been rather, well, boring this year. Beautiful, but boring. Well, until this weekend — now we’re back to our regularly scheduled summer weather. Hot and Humid. Hot. Humid. Ick. I mowed the lawn this weekend in the heat and humidity.
You can just see the humidity in the air. That’s me on the mower — see how straight and stringy the humidity makes my hair? And sweat. You just have to walk outdoors and you’ll start sweating. That’s why I’m a mere shadow of my former self there on the lawnmower — I’ve sweat myself into peoplestickdom.
Ewwww. See? Weather-talk just doesn’t work very well here, at the moment. I’m pretty sure you didn’t tune in to read about sweat. I’ll try to make up for it by giving you one of our favorite summer on-the-grill recipes. It’s fast. It’s easy. And there’s no clean-up, other than your dinner plates.
Kielbasa and Vegetable Packets
1 ring (1 lb.) fully cooked kielbasa sausage, cut into pieces
12 new potatoes, cut in half
1 green bell pepper, cut into pieces
1 medium onion, chopped into wedges
2 medium zucchini or yellow squash, cut into pieces
Seasonings (add what you like):
Cajun seasoning
Garlic salt
1. Tear off four approximately 18 x 12 inch size pieces of aluminum foil.
2. Place 1/4 of each of the sausage and vegetable groups onto each square of foil.
3. Drizzle each packet with a little bit of olive oil and some of your choice of seasonings.
4. Fold foil over kielbasa and vegetables and seal to make square foil packages. Leave a bit of room for heat circulation and expansion.
5. Place packets on medium-hot grill and cook for 30 – 40 minutes. When done, open up packets and serve.
::Makes 4 servings.
You can make these no matter what kind of weather you’re experiencing. Well, ok, it might be a little difficult in Jody’s hail — I hope your weather this weekend is less exciting that that!