
And The Winner Is …

WAIT!  First, I have to show you something exciting. Look!

Speckled Egg

I was mowing this weekend and I found that beautiful speckled egg. Isn’t it pretty? It’s pictured next to a broken robin’s egg I found while walking a few weeks ago and a my thimble that I placed there for scale. The speckled egg is completely in tact and was just sitting at the base of a big tree. I almost ran over it. I looked up in the tree and couldn’t see any nests up there. What do you think it is? Any egg experts out there? We’re thinking maybe it’s a duck egg. No clues as to what it was doing out in the open, completely exposed though.  Anyway, sorry — I thought you’d like to see my egg.  ;-)

Ok, for the drawing. Do you remember the prize?

SMS Giveaway

I asked The Random ManoftheHouse Generator (yes, I know the words in that phrase are out of order, but they’re random) to pick a number between 1 and 372 (subtracting for duplicate comments — Thank You for all your wonderful comments!) Drumroll please…..

Oh. That’s not a drumroll. It’s the marbles rolling around in TheManoftheHouse’s head. He was still able to come up with a number though.


Is that you? Run over to the comments and count. I’ll wait.

Just kidding. I did the counting for you.  (Before I found out if I copied the comments into MS Word, it would number them for me.  Duh.)  It’s Marine_Bio No Blog who said

Love the keep calm motto.  Thanks for the great giveaway.  Comment by Marine_bio — May 28, 2009.

Now, I’ve been thinking about this whole giveaway thing and it seems that in big giveaways like this one, there should be some sort of way to give a loyalty prize. You know, a prize to someone who comments regularly. So, I decided to look at the last three posts (not counting the actual giveaway post) and if you commented on more than one of those three posts, then I threw your name in for another drawing (the prize will be a posie pie pincushion with some matching fat eigths from these fabrics and the cupcake pendant). I cut and pasted all of those comments into a word document and then deleted anyone who only commented once.  Does that make sense?  That left 64 comments provided by Jewels (no blog quilty peep), Judy, Elaine, Junie Moon, Dottycookie, Kristy, Tattingchic, Lucy, Kim, Annalea, Susan, Jackie, Brigette, Shawn, Penny, Jean, Gina, Cathy, Cassie, Karen, Jodi, Di, Carol, Periwinkle, MichelleB, Isabelle, Teresa, and Stacy.  What a fantastic line-up of loyal commenters, huh?

So, I had The Random ManoftheHouse Generator roll his marbles to choose a number between 1 and 64.  He chose #38 which happened to be

Oh my..that’s a lot of wheelbarrels of mulch you have to move. Oh my aching back! Comment by Teresa — May 24, 2009

Congratulations Marine_bio and Teresa! Send me your addresses and I’ll send you your prizes.

Whew!  Now I’m off to bed!  I wish I could send all of you — especially you loyal readers and commenters — a prize.  Thanks for all your great support!


Where the Mulch Went

Wow — you guys are all so very cool. Thank you SO much for all of your wonderful comments on my giveaway. I’ve had a great time reading every one of them — some of you are pretty darn funny too. Those of you who are regulars here know that I try pretty hard to answer all of my comments, but I always call a truce on giveaways. I’d like to figure out how to possibly visit all of the new-to-me blogs that have made such kind comments. Wish me luck! If you haven’t been here in a few days (or ever ;-) ), scroll down to the next post and enter my little giveaway if you’re interested.

In the meantime, after the mulch post, I had a few requests to show you what we could possibly be doing with all that mulch. And several of you suggested that all that mulch must be indicative of some sort of gorgeous garden.  Around here though, it’s more the case of lots of trees that block the sunlight that keeps the grass growing. If we had more sunlight, I’d hope to have a ton of flowers like so many of you do (Isabelle, Miss Jean, and Mrs. Staggs, just to name a few.  And MyDadLovesMeBestSister — you should seeee her garden this year!)  Anyway, we end up mulching to keep the weeds down. This first picture shows two of our larger beds. You can see the struggling grass around them. We’ll probably try to re-seed in the fall (we’ve found that re-seeded grass in the spring just dies in the summer heat.)

Mulched Yard

Here’s one of two beds by the front door.  There used to be a few more hostas and bleeding hearts in this bed, but some obnoxious friendly bunny has had his way with them.  Hopefully by the end of summer the impatiens will be big and pretty.

Mulched Yard

A very hard to decipher bed in the front yard.  The big unruly bushes are a variety of hydrangea  and towards the front is that wild grass stuff that sends up tassels — it will be almost as tall as me by the fall.

Mulched Yard

My favorite bed, with a sideview of the wild grass bed in the background.  This bed actually gets lots of sunlight during the day.  Coneflowers to the left and some lilies that will be pretty and pink in July on the right.  I’m hoping they’ll bloom this year — it’s hard to tell from this angle but my buddy the Ugly Tree has grown up over those lilies.  It’s almost like he’s protecting them.  I wish I had small children around — they’d love to make a little playhouse under the Ugly Tree.  (Btw, the last time I called it the Ugly Tree I had several comments saying it wasn’t ugly at all.  I think it’s a Weeping Norway Spruce and I think it’s a beautiful tree too, but TheManoftheHouse hates it and so we jokingly call it the Ugly Tree.  All his taste is in his mouth.)

Mulched Yard

There are borders along the house and hedges and other random trees that require lots of mulch.

Mulched Yard

Our hydrangea bed.  The mulch edging here is looking a little ragged — apparently we had a big downpour here today (which explains the leaves and crud all over the mulch under the trees) and that edge becomes a trough where the mulch attempts to float away.

Mulched Yard

This is about 1/3 of this bed.  I just finished planting the begonias tonight which will wrap up the spring planting this year (Yay! — except for a quick planting this weekend of some hollyhock seeds that Jody sent me last fall — I’m really excited to see if I can actually grow them!)  When we first moved here, this bed got some good sun but now it only gets about 2 hours each day.  The peonies on the left get almost no sun, yet they still manage to bloom (see the big pretty buds?)  The daisies have been blooming with very little sun too — we’ve been really lucky.

Mulched Yard

So, now you know where all that mulch went.  And we mustn’t forget Winnie and the herb bed.  They’re very happy tonight as we had some good rain today.

Mulched Yard

We’re escaping on Saturday to collect TheSecondChild and move him back home.  We’ve all missed him and we’ll be glad to have him back here for a little bit until he finds gainful employment.  Paulkitty is especially excited and has been keeping his bed warm — that mean ol’ EmptyNestChild won’t let Paul on our bed at night.  ;-(  I hope you all have a great weekend and we’ll see you back here on Monday with a giveaway winner!


Oh P.S.  I almost forgot to tell you I had one of those breath catching moments this morning just before I left for work.  I glanced out my back windows just as a beautiful small coyote trotted through the yard — in one side and out the other.  At first I thought he was a little fox but as he ran right by me I could see his mottled coat.  I think his  size and un-scraggly coat meant he was pretty young.  My first instinct was to grab my camera, but I realized that if I ran for it, I would miss him, so I just stood there and enjoyed the moment.  And I was happy the cats are indoor cats.  ;-)

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day

SMS GiveawayIt’s been quite awhile since I had a giveaway, so I’ve decided the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day is as good of a reason as any. And besides, we should probably celebrate the end of the 2009 Mulch Weekend. WooHoo and boy, are we tired. We actually ran out of mulch and I had to go and get a little more. I think those stadiums who have astroturf have the right idea. We should do that at home.

Anyway, on to the giveaway. Sew Mama Sew is hosting a blogland giveaway and all blogs are invited to participate.  (At least I think I’m participating — if I’m not, then I’m having a giveaway anyway.  ;-) )  I’m posting a few hours early — I’ll be at work at the appointed posting time.  I’d like to give away a Posie Pin Pie pincushion, pack of coordinating fat eigths, a few of the “Keep on Quilting” logos, and a Keep Calm pendant.

SMS Giveaway

Just leave a comment by midnight, May 31st and I’ll choose a winner by random ManoftheHouse generator.

SMS Giveaway

And after you’re done, visit Sew Mama Sew and work your way through the jumbo list of blogs that are having giveaways this week. Good Luck in all your blog commenting!


Memorial Day 2009

In the US today, it’s Memorial Day — the day we remember those who serve our country and have given their lives for our freedom. A year or two ago, a group of people at work started a new tradition. Employees can buy small flags to honor someone they want to remember. One day before Memorial Day, employees gather during lunch hour and place the flags in rows on a hill outside of our building.


The flags cost $1 each and all the money is given to our local Veteran’s Hospital. They were hoping to raise $2500 this year, but when they presented the check to the hospital, it was for $3500!  I think this is such a cool thing to do, and it reminds us, as employees, to pause and reflect on the importance of Memorial Day.


If you’re an American, I hope you’re doing something special to commemorate the day. (I love this link, if you need any suggestions.  ;-) )


Mulch Gulch

Well, there’s just not much Thimble in Thimbleanna these days.  It’s so, so sad.  It’s always hard in the spring and fall anyway, because of the extra yard work.  Add a graduation, two kid moves this month, and the every-other-year mulching and it’s just hopeless.


The big truck rolled in this morning and dumped the mulch in the driveway.  See all that smoke?  That wasn’t dust — the mulch was steaming HOT.  (???  Did they cook it before they arrived?)  Mr. DumpTruckMan managed to dump some of the mulch right on top of a few of my coneflowers so I was scurrying to rescue them before they were fried.


Can you see the pretty green of the trees peeking into the picture?  After a cool, wet spring, our spring colors are brilliant and gorgeous this year.  Aren’t the green and chocolate brown pretty together?  I’d love a quilt or some socks out of those colors.  And throw in some robin’s egg blue — yum, yum!


Well, now you know how I’ll be spending my weekend.  I’m hoping we’ll be done by Sunday night so I can at least have a free (ha!) day on Monday before returning to work on Tuesday.  Wish us luck!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


P.S. Talking about those pretty chocolate and green colors reminded me that I forgot to show you the cool sock yarn that I picked up at Cami’s when we went to TheSecondChild’s graduation a few weeks ago. They are Lorna’s Laces custom colors. I vowed I’d stop buying Lorna’s Laces because of the problems I’ve had with pooling, but I couldn’t help myself with these pretty yarns (this picture doesn’t do them justice.)  When I left the store, Cami had lots more of this yarn and I’m sure she’d be happy to ship to you, so if you’re feeling the need for some pretty chocolate + pink or blue, ring her up!  (Hey, she’s not paying me to say this — I just don’t know where else you can get this yarn.  ;-)  )

Yarn Cakes