Hey guess what??? I got my little knitting project done, so now we can have a drawing!
But first, you know I must draw it out by telling you that I took the day off yesterday and went to visit TheFirstChild and his amazing SweetiePie. It was SO good to spend the day with SweetiePie and see how wonderfully they’re managing. TheFirstChild is consumed with VERY long days (8 a.m. to midnight) and SweetiePie is taking fabulous care of him and their adorable little apartment. She’s working very long hours too and I’m beyond proud of my little hard workers!
Now, onto the drawing! Things started out very slowly, with only one correct guess from MichelleB, I thought it would be a slam dunk for her. Then a few days later, Miss Jean snuck in there with a correct guess. And, just yesterday, Brigette threw her guesses in too, and one of them was good. Do you know yet?

They’re slippers! (Not that sexy, huh? LOL!) I love me some nice warm fuzzy slippers when winter comes and my old slippers are worn out. The part that I gave you the sneak peek of is a 1 x 1 ribbed cuff and I’m sorry, but I forgot to get a picture of the cuff — it’s concealed under my jeans. Below is a picture of the old slippers, and while I wanted to get away from purple this time, I have to say, I much prefer the way the purple ones look.

It really bugs me that you can see the stitch of the chenille yarn in the new slippers. With the purple slippers, the chenille was so dark that you couldn’t see individual stitches. It looked like a big fuzzy boot, which is just what I wanted. The right side of the slippers is the stockinette side, but I don’t like seeing those stockinette stitches, so I guess I’m technically wearing them inside out. Here’s my wrong side:

The slippers are made from THIS pattern with Lion Brand Chenille Thick and Quick (in Antique White) and Lion Brand Fun Fur (in Rainbow). I got the biggest kick out of Kristy‘s daughter who studied the sneaky peek picture and correctly guessed the yarn, yarn colors, needle size…everything really, but not the final product LOL! Excellent job R!
One thing I changed about the pattern is that I sew some jiffy grip to the bottom of the slippers. This keeps me from slipping on my tile floors and it also prolongs the life of my slippers.

I wear my slippers every day. When I learned how to knit socks, the teacher told us to never wear our socks without something to protect them. It’s a good rule to follow — I’ve never had a hole in my hand knit socks yet. I have, however worn out three slipper bottoms. And I hate to show such ugliness here, but just to prove it, here’s the bottom of one of the worn out old slippers, with two layers of hole-y jiffy grip.

So, get on with the drawing already??? I had TheManoftheHouse pull a name out of the bowl of three correct guessers, and he chose….
Congratulations Michelle!
And, just ’cause you guys are all so clever and cracked me up, I decided to draw for another Vera Bradley passport holder, just like the first one. So, if you had caterpillar as your suggestion, lost the first drawing (LOL), or ‘caught me on a technicality (a few of you did) I threw your names into the bowl too. (I also included Kristy’s daughter, because analyzing that little sample took a lot of work!) This time TheManoftheHouse (laughing about his contribution to the blog) chose….
Congratulations TattingChic!
Ladies, send me your addresses and I’ll get them off in the mail to you.
And to the rest of you, THANK YOU for a very fun guessing game! I had a great time reading all of your comments. I hope you all have a great weekend!!!
P.S. From Jodi I’ve learned that there’s a new blog on the block and she’s having a great quilty giveaway that you’ll probably want to check out!!!