A Favorful Weekend
Hmmmmm. I think I jinxed our weather by saying that I thought spring was finally here. It’s clearly had a change of mind. It was cold and rainy all day yesterday and I was freezing today. That’ll teach me!
Aside from Mother’s Day this weekend, we were busy, busy making stuff for the wedding. I’m going to have cupcakes for the rehearsal dinner, so I spent some time getting the cupcake decorations and boxes ready. Then I gave my printer, paper cutter and little xyron machine a workout by making labels for water bottles.
The water bottles are for gift baskets for hotel guests. It’s pretty hard to take a picture of a basket wrapped in shiny cellophane, but you probably get the idea. SweetiePie decided on these white baskets for friends and she chose a wicker basket with a lid (and no cellophane) for family members. We put chips, cookies, mints, a bit of chocolate and the water bottles in each of the baskets. Then we tied them with a little tag with a message from the bride and groom.
That’s not very many pictures for all the work that was my weekend! The cupcakes will come later after they’ve been made. In the middle of all of this favor making, there was a little unplanned, impromptu favor to be made. On Saturday afternoon, TheFirstChild’s friends came to pick him up for an overnight bachelor party. I made them all pose for a picture in one of the boys’ jeeps and I was so pleased with the picture, I printed copies and made a little bag with picture and cookies for each of them.
TheFirstChild has been so fortunate to have a group of really good friends that he’s known since kindergarten. I grew up moving around and don’t really have any childhood friends, so watching him with these friends has been an amazing experience. I remember when the boys were all around second grade or so, an older mother told a few of us younger mothers to look around and notice the boys that our sons were hanging out with, because they wouldn’t be the same set of friends that these boys would have in high school. Thank goodness that mother was wrong. These boys have all been such a good influence on each other. Of the eight boys that went to the party on Saturday, 1 was a college friend, 2 are from the class behind TheFirstChild’s and the remaining 5 are all in or on their way to medical school. What are the odds of that? Some random act that landed them all in the same kindergarten class? I often wish TheSecondChild had been so fortunate — his class just didn’t gel like these guys. Nor did any of the other classes within several years. It’s just weird!
So, it’s a great start to our very exciting week. It’s such an honor for me, as his mother (and so close to Mother’s Day!) to watch him surrounded by friends and loved ones as he’ll start his new life with his adorable little SweetiePie. I’ve been thinking what a charmed life he leads, but really, it’s me with the charmed life. All you mothers who’ve been through this before should send me advice (or kleenex) to keep me from bursting!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Hello! I just wanted to pop in here and wish a very Happy Mother’s Day to all of you who are celebrating this weekend. I sure hope tomorrow’s weather is like today’s — it was absolutely gorgeous here today. At last, I think spring is finally here!
Special hugs and kisses for MeMum this weekend. I’ve been so fortunate to have such a wonderful mother — she’s taught me everything I know about being a mother myself! And, as an added bonus, I’m lucky enough to have a mother who quilts!
These are pictures of her latest quilt (made entirely from her droolworthy stash), taken just after she took it off of the frame. She’s now working on finishing up the binding. As you can probably tell, MeMum is an excellent quilter and she’s truly an inspiration!
So, Happy Mother’s Day Mom! Thanks for everything you do for all of us — we love you. And for the rest of you — I hope your Mother’s Day is relaxing and wonderful!
P.S. I’ll be back soon for a pre-wedding update — it’s been a busy and fun weekend.
Tea Party Thumb Tacks
A few weeks ago, my sweet quilty peep Jewels gave each of us quilty peeps some of this adorable Susan Branch Tea Party fabric that’s covered with cupcakes. (We are, after all, in the middle of a cupcake obsession. Is everyone sick of cupcakes yet? Not me — I still think they’re cute.)
Anyway, that cupcake fabric has been staring at me whispering “Make me….Make me…” But, into what? I’ve thought of a few ideas that I will probably try in the next month or two, but in the meantime, I remembered that Susan Branch seemed to like the little thumb tacks that I made last year, and voila! This fabric is just right for some little cupcake thumb tacks!
They’re so fun and quick to make — I think it only took me about an hour (if that) to make twelve of these.
I’ll take these to work — I need more thumbtacks on my bulletin board there. And we don’t have nearly enough cupcakes at work. In fact, we don’t have any. Unless you count the recent college grad that they just hired who sits at the end of my row. She’s an adorable little engaged cupcake — and apparently all the male engineers in the place think so, ’cause they hover around that cube a LOT. But, I’m sidetracked … cupcakes can lead you astray.
Thank You, Thank You Miss Jewels! Jewels is so sweet and kind and generous. She’s always giving us little gifties — ’cause she’s just like that. You know I heart you Jewels — and you other quilty peeps too!
I hope you’re having a good week. I’m enjoying trying to get caught up with everyone and seeing all the wonderful glimpses of spring around blogland.
P.S. On a totally unrelated note … I’ve noticed many bloggers have started to respond to their comments in their comment section. I realize that that is a much more efficient way of answering comments (it sure beats having to open and close all those e-mails), but do you realize that many of the people you’re directing your answer to will never see that answer? I almost NEVER make it back to someone’s comments — if comments were on our main pages, that would be different, but because they require a click (and thus a wait) and I’ve already been there once, the odds that I’ll be back again are next to none. There’s just a whole big wide blog world waiting out there and I’m off chasing it! I guess I’m just mentioning this because if someone responded to me in their comments, I would miss thanking them for their reply. Does that make sense? Just sayin’ bloggy peeps, just sayin’!. Sweet dreams!
P.P.S.S. Check out this recipe contest. Do you have a 20 word recipe? Enter it and win $50!
SweetiePie Made Me Do It
When last I left you, I was going to spend my day yesterday doing yard work. But then it rained all day so I ended up running errands with SweetiePie. While we were out, she reminded me that the big annual Very Bradley sale was this weekend, and “Hey Look! We’re right across the street, we should go check it out!”
Do you all know about Vera Bradley? They’re a quilted handbag company that was started here in Ft. Wayne, Indiana by two women. They’ve since added home accessories and personal items like umbrellas, luggage, etc. and every year they have a huge sale of seconds and close outs. It’s a pretty big deal and women come from far and wide (some even on bus trips — I imagine like going to a quilt show) to shop the deals. (And something new I just learned, supposedly there are big Vera Bradley sales in other cities like Charlotte, Atlanta, Northern California…who knew???)
Anyway, I would have completely forgotten about the sale (among other things, I kind of enjoy making my own quilted bags.) I went to the sale once or twice, years ago, and it was a miserable experience. Big crowds with all their associated problems and bags that I didn’t really find appealing. So, I’ve never been back since. But things are different now — I have a blog and thought maybe I should take a few pictures for posterity — and you LOL!
When you enter the sale, these pink ribbons line the barriers between people going in to the sale and people leaving the sale. Vera Bradley has been a HUGE supporter of breast cancer research.
I didn’t really get a good picture of all the rows of tables — I needed a chair to stand on for a pseudo-aerial view, but I only saw three chairs and they were occupied by tired women. But here you can see the crowd — it was definitely more crowded that I expected. Friday was the third day of the sale so I didn’t think there would be many people there.
I guess part of the reason people still come after the first day is because they apparently drop the prices each day. I don’t remember them doing that years ago — maybe they did and I just didn’t know it.
SweetiePie and I were standing off to the side watching people and these two guys came walking up with a bin full of stuff. They were pretty funny — they had big smiles on their faces and they were trying to strategically place this bin as if it was a big joke — then they stepped back and watched the feeding frenzy.
This is an area where you are allowed to sit down and figure out what you want to buy. (They keep making announcements that you aren’t allowed to sit on the floor because it’s a safety hazard.) When you enter the sale, they hand you big pink plastic bags to collect items in. At some point you have to stop and take inventory of all the stuff you grabbed off of those tables.
This was a sign on the way to the cashier. People used to come and buy tens of thousands of dollars worth of stuff and then re-sell it on ebay. Not anymore though — now they have a limit. SweetiePie and I were laughing at the thought of spending $2500 on quilted bags — in spite of how much we love fabric and bags.
This is the checkout area and it’s a terrible picture. I couldn’t get good perspective to show you how big the area is — it’s in a separate big room from the merchandise. I’m guessing there were 30 – 50 checkout lines. But, hey — I’m a terrible guesser, so take that for what it’s worth!
This is just some random woman and her purchases. That’s a lot of bags for all the sisters, daughters, friends, quilty peeps, bloggy peeps, etc. I’d say this is pretty typical though. We saw lots of women leaving with 4 or 5 big shopping bags full of goodies.
So, there you have it. Ft. Wayne’s claim to fame. (Aside from being where tv was invented. And where Johnny Appleseed is buried. And probably a few other things I can’t remember.) Vera Bradley. They’ve just built a big new Vera Bradley factory south of town. I wanted to drive out there and take a picture for you (they have pretty lamp poles) but, gas prices being what they are, I decided that was a bit wasteful. You’ll just have to make do with pictures of this year’s sale.