Red Bunny and I are having a great time reading all of your comments and dreaming of all the new places he might call home. (Notice I said he — I found it such fun to see some people call him a she and some a he. For some reason, I’ve always thought of my bunnies as “he’s.” Unless they have pink in them. Maybe it’s that whole sticking pins in him thing. And by the way, I’m very touched by so many of you who are concerned that the pins might be hurting Red Bunny. We prefer to think of this treatment as accupuncture, vice VooDoo. Male bunny notwithstanding. ;-) )
Thank you all so much for all your wonderful comments. You’ve made the move fun, in spite of the little bugs here and there. As I learned a new mail tool, I managed to send an e-mail to the wrong person. Oops! And I mistakenly thought that if I did a little test post before anyone knew about the new place and then deleted it, it would be gone. Oops2. It apparently still hangs out there in the RSS feed, so bloglines picked it up. Red Bunny and I were Red Faced! And speaking of bloglines, it doesn’t seem to like the new feed, as it doesn’t keep track of subscribers. Oh well, change always brings a few hitches, no?
While Red Bunny and I hang around reading comments and preparing for the drawing (don’t forget to enter your name on the Welcome post if you’d like Red Bunny), we thought we’d share with you a favorite family recipe. It’s also a new favorite of SweetiePie’s.
Flaky Beef Buns
1/2 lb. ground beef
1/3 cup chopped green onions, including tops
1/4 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
1 T Dijon mustard
1/8 teaspoon pepper
10-oz. can Hungry Jack Refrigerated Flaky Biscuits*
1 egg, slightly beaten
Dash salt
1 T sesame seed

Heat oven to 375 degrees F. Lightly grease cookie sheet. In large skillet, brown ground beef; drain. Remove from heat. Add green onions, mayonnaise, mustard and pepper; mix well. Separate dough into 10 biscuits; press or roll each to a 4-inch circle. Spoon 2 tablespoons meat mixture onto center of each circle. Bring dough up over meat mixture; pinch edges together to form buns. Place seam side down on prepared cookie sheet; brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with sesame seed. Bake at 375 degrees for 12 to 16 minutes or until golden brown.
*If you don’t have access to Hungry Jack biscuits, you could just use any biscuit dough (that’s American style biscuits, not cookies!), cut it into rounds and then flatten them out before filling them with the meat mixture.
I’m enjoying all of the Encyclopedia of Me posts out there, started by Cassi. I’d really love to participate, but I’ll be absent for a bit, later in the month, so I don’t think it will work. What a fun idea though!