

And just like that, it’s gone. The Summer of 2011 is just a blur. According to my archives, with the exception of a few visits with the kids, it wasn’t a particularly memorable summer here in ThimbleannaLand. It whizzed by in a cloud of more work than play. I want a do-over! More cook-outs and time to enjoy the flowers and fresh air. The only thing that makes fall’s arrival so soon, even remotely bearable, is this:

Candy Corn

It’s candy corn season! I luuuuuuvvvv the sweet salty taste of candy corn mixed with peanuts. I know a lot of you outside of the US can’t get candy corn. I think you should call/write/lobby your authorities and demand Candy Corn Equality! You deserve to share the candy Love!!!

Did you all have a nice weekend? It was a three-day-er here and it was a tad bit more stressful than I’d like. That’s ok though — the previous weekend was super fun, so now we’re weekend-even. I did manage to sneak in a little sewing. I really wanted to work on the Children blocks but I decided that the UFO that screams the loudest will get my attention. And since my Bliss blocks were spread out all over the basement, they won.

Bliss Blocks

I eeked out about 10 more blocks and have 10 more set up to be put together. It’s slow going, but I’m really enjoying it.

One last thing. Julie and I were talking about glass jars being used as cupcake liner holders. She mentioned that she hadn’t seen the cookie jar idea so I sent her the link. In case any of you also haven’t seen that idea, I took a picture of my cookie jar cupcake liner holder (that’s a mouthful!)

Cupcake Wrappers

I love it. My cupcake liners used to be crammed into a box and it wasn’t pretty. Now it’s pretty!

Now, go forth and have a good week. Fall is on it’s way!



50 thoughts on “Poof!”

  1. Yup – it is gone. Sent the kids back to school with sweaters today. They actually said on the news it was the good old north wind blowing that dropped the temperature down today, and it will be with us for several days.

  2. I gotta run out and get me some candy corn. Mixed with peanuts looks so yummy. We are still getting the summer weather…oh so sweet.

  3. Really, really like those Bliss blocks AND the cupcake liner jar – think I’ll borrow that idea. I keep spools of thread in a jar like that – I like to look at all the colors.

  4. i love candy corn … Mountain Man makes a “harvest mix” that has candy corn, boston baked beans, burnt sugar peanuts, and black licorice jelly beans – Oh. My. Gawd. it is gooood!!!

    our cupcake liners are stuffed into ziploc bags and they are not pretty … i have a pretty glass jar with nothing in it … and now i have a mission

  5. I’m with you! I totally want a summer do-over. Can I complain for a minute? I spent almost my whole summer (which is supposed to be vacation time for teachers) working – first on a master’s course, then writing school materials. Even while I was in San Antonio, I had to work! That trip was actually for work. And now I’m back at work and taking another course and there is NO time for fun. Boo hoo.
    On top of all that, my daughter was hardly home this summer and now she’s gone to university! I miss her! I want to start the summer all over!

  6. Sorry…Didn’t mean to be so negative.
    Your Bliss blocks look lovely. And I love the cupcake liners in the jar. So pretty!
    As for the candy corn…no thanks ;)

  7. Happy fall to you! I am about to go off on my summer holidays so I am still hoping for some summer sunshine in the south of France! Temperatures here in Scotland barely reached above 64 all summer – in fact we’ve had the coldest summer in decades! SO summer sunshine is soooo needed. But then it will be back to autumn – a season I usually love because it means getting bundled up and warm – but I’ve been bundled up and warm most of the year ;-)

  8. I couldn’t agree more Anna , we would like a do – over too please. Look at those little ghostie cup cases tooooo cute . I wish there were more Halloween things in the UK but for some reason it’s not something we do . I always think of scenes in films where children are all dressed up and going from door to door for treats and having fun with pumpkins everywhere. Maybe we’ll just have to come to the USA one year to experience it xx

  9. We didn’t have the best of summers – we didn’t have a single barbecue, and we had only a few meals in the garden. Never mind, the autumn weather means settling down to sewing, and catching up on the UFOs. Not sure about the candy corn and peanut thing …… maybe I’ll have to pop over for a visit to try it!
    ps – did you know that there is an international quilt show in Ireland next year – pressure is being applied to Malcolm to go!!!

  10. Poof is right Anna, I can’t believe my eyes when I see the leaves coming down, I’m not ready ~ but I do love fall. Love the cupcake paper idea, why didn’t I think of that lol..

  11. Yes, we have gone from having the air on to turning on the furnace. Yuck! My cupcake liners are in a glass jar also but I can’t take the credit Hubby did it! LOL
    The candy corn and peanuts look yummy :)

  12. Oh, my gosh! Fall is in the air here and the first thing I thought of was candy corn and peanuts! They are waiting patiently for me to bring some to work. Your blocks look great, Anna. And your cupcake liner idea is a gem. Now I just need to start making cupcakes, I guess. Or, I could just get the liners and put them on the counter in a jar and people would think I make them. ;)

  13. fall IS upon us…where did the summer go?
    i knew i loved you anna…& now i truly know why…i LOVE candy corn…LOVE!
    what a fabulous idea for the liners…i NEED to do this ASAP!
    …the possibilities are endless!

  14. Anna, what a great idea! I’m sure my Daisy would object though…my glass jar is filled with her Milkbones!

    Never thought about mixing candy corn with peanuts, I love salty/sweet!

  15. The oldest daughter moved across the country to the East coast, three are at University. For the first time we are empty nesters…AND I DON’T LIKE IT. Not one bit. I’d like a do-over for the summer. I’m definitely not ready for fall.

  16. Oh I can’t even have that candy corn and peanuts in the house – when I do it’s screaming my name all over the house, lol. What a pretty idea to put them in the glass jar – but first I need the pretty liners and not the pastel ones I have. Where does one get those pretty liners if one is looking for a nice selection – hmmmm any ideas :).
    Loving your blocks

    Hugs – Karen

  17. LOL, well I have a big bag of candy corn but have never tried it with peanuts but I do love the slat and sugar thing so you can be sure I will. what pattern are you doing Bliss in? I have piles of it too waiting attention. Instead i did a 1600 halloween quilt for my 3yr old granddaughter, now to get it quilted before October gets here.

  18. It was a different kind of summer that definitely needs a do-over. I just wish it would cool down! The children are back to school and we are still 100*. Love the quilt blocks, and the cupcake liner holder. Cute!

  19. sorry pal – but I adore fall, so I’m glad to summer slip away.
    Oh gosh, candy corn and peanuts sound amazing! Maybe I’ll surprize the hubby and put a bowl out – he loves both!
    Guess where my cupcake liners are? Smashed into an old toll house cookie tin……shameful…..really
    your blocks are awesome – so cheery

  20. kind of reminds me of buttons in a gumball machine…sqweeeeee. so cute. on a same idea – my nephew in hawaii is married to a sweetie from japan – Hiroko had a bowl full of itsy bitsy oragami cranes when i was there this summer. when i asked her if she did alot of it and could she teach me she said “yes, but only know cranes”. She is a artist – exquisite paintings and i turned her on to embroidery this summer. she will be doing art shows before we know it. she did have some of her paintings at a small gallery show in japan. if only we lived close – we could be getting into all types of artsy fun. same with you anna….have a good week, it’s already hump day! love ya, robin

  21. It’s a damn good thing you posted that adorable photo of your cupcake liners in a jar because I might not have been able to forgive you otherwise for the leading photo of CANDY CORN.

    Anna – Candy corn? Really? Halloween already? *sigh*

    Though I am with you on wishing for a summer do-over. Or a summer ONCE over. This summer was short, cool and short some more. *Sad*

  22. I love candy corn, too, and just saw it for the first time this year at Walgreen’s the other day. Yeah! I like the kind with chocolate as the bottom layer, too. Well, fakey chocolate.

    Cute, cute, cute cupcake liner holder!

  23. you give me a bad time about figs and you eat CANDY CORN?
    i would like to let all those thimbleanna readers who live outside of candycornville, that you aren’t missing much. it lacks flavor, is a bit chalky.. i would bet it’s mostly h.f. corn syrup and some coloring. i’m always amazed that anyone actually puts it into their mouths, and when i see them do it, i probably have the same look on my face as if they were picking up a furball from their cat and poppin’ it in there for some reason.
    molly i read your post. don’t do it. it will ruin the nuts!
    your bliss blocks are blissful.
    and lastly… as i saw your liners i’m sitting at my computer and then saying out loud, i want that one and that one and that one. they’re just beautiful anna!!

  24. Thanks for the clarification Brigette (above) as I was just about to ask….what the heck is candy corn? OMG????????? you guys really do eat some wierd old stuff up there!

    As for summer, ours is just emerging. I saw the first bud on my plum tree emerge two days ago and its gettting to the stage where it’s cold in the morning but you are peeling off layers by lunch! I even have to turn my reticulation on again soon!

    Back to the reason we are here, sewing – just lovely! I admire you for tackling the UFO’s. I have one hexy block done up and about a billion to go and I must say, I just don’t have the heart for it right now!

    But yours is very lovely!

  25. sweet and salty – always love that and candy corn and peanuts are perfect, have to try that…love the bliss blocks…and I always like to see color in clear jars, that makes me smile

  26. So…because of this post I bought a bag of candy corn yesterday. It’s gone today! I feel the same way about summer…poof it’s gone (though I would really like the hot temps to go away now, too)!

  27. Summer has been a blur for me also..I time has been moved to warp speed…that has to be it! CANDY CORN, my most favorite candy. Love your jar of cupcake liners. Great idea!

  28. OK…I’m back. Followed your link and Pinterest?!!! Where the heck have I been and how have I missed this. I’m seeing a late night at the computer tonight :-)!!!

  29. Hello! First time to your blog, and I find this post. We have a few things in common:
    First, that snack is a favorite of mine. I think it tastes just like a Baby Ruth bar.
    Second, I have already bought tons of cupcake papers to make my sister a jar of her own for her birthday in October.
    And third, my name’s Anna, too. Nice to meet you!

  30. nothing like candy corn to remind me fall is almost here….we get it pretty late in cali…its cool today but suppossed to be in the 100s again next week…ugh!

  31. i LOVE candy corn and peanuts together. yummo!!!

    remember summer? it was hot and humid and overrated. i’m so thankful that fall is here. ahhh. so, so good. and not just because of the candy. :) even running in the rain this morning was enjoyable! my sudden free days thanks to children is school JUST MIGHT be tainting my perspective just a wee little bit. ;)

  32. Hey there! Long time, no chat. I’ve been lurking, tho. Too busy these days for much surfing! Anyway – did you know that you can get candy corn thru And we’re talking serious poundage! And a question – are those cupcake liners paper or the silicone ones? If silicone, where do you find them? Hope you are well! ME in Huntsville, AL

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