
Real Life Took Over

Thanks to those of you who let me know that my last post was all goofy.  It seemed to be a problem for those of you who use Internet Explorer for a browser and I wasn’t around to fix it until Sunday night, ’cause real life took over and I was busy running around.

On Friday and Saturday, the Quilty Peeps (minus 1 — we missed you Gurney!) and I headed south (in hopes of warmth) to visit Cami and the girls at Clementines.  We had a fab, relaxing afternoon knitting at the shop and ordered Chinese take-out for dinner.  Then, the girls decided they’d try to kill us by taking us on a “pub crawl.”  Apparently I’m getting too old for that behavior, ’cause I’m still tired!  And because I’m an idjit and forgot my camera, I’m borrowing Cami’s pics.  Here, we’re posing (Wilson style, of course) in front of Clementine’s in approximately 10 degree F weather.

Cami Peeps

L to R, that’s Melly, Robin, Moi and Cami — Noemi is our photographer.  (Btw, Cami, thanks for calling me a blond.  Gray-haired women everywhere love you!)  After the freezing pose, the ladies took us to “The Willard”.  We had a great time, and in true Cami Peep fashion, we learned several new things, including a new verb that can’t be put in print, because, well, this is a family blog LOL.  Here’s a pic of the Quilty Peeps and I considering our menu.

Quilty Peeps

L to R this time is Junie, Jewels and Moi.  After The Willard, we ended up at a karaoke bar where we suffered mightily at the hands of LOTS of bad singing.  Except, of course for Melly.  They should have muffled everyone else and let Melly sing all night — that woman can sing!  You’d be very proud of Cami and I too — we sat in those “pubs” and whipped out our knitting.  We looked kind of funny and the other girls wimped out but it was really fun.  Thank You, Thank You Cami Peeps — we had a wonderful time and we’re already looking forward to the next visit — AND the new pub crawl rules!  Oh, and Jewels will be planning something to top flashing all of us!

The rest of my weekend was a blur.  Got home on Saturday night and went to Last Chance Harvey (Loved It! – Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson — what’s not to love?) with TheManoftheHouse.  Then on Sunday, I traveled to see TheFirstChild and SweetiePie for a belated SweetiePie birthday (gift coming soon).  Then back home and off to NJ yesterday with a quick trip into NYC for dinner with SweetiePie’s best friend.  I was so tired by the time I got to my hotel room last night, I couldn’t even turn my computer on.  So, hopefully, I’ll be able to catch up with some blog reading this week.

In other news, here’s the result of my annual Amazon Christmas gift card:

Crafty Books

Not sure I’ll ever make anything from Home Sewn, but it’s a pretty book.  And Cookie Craft is very cool — I REALLY want to make cookies like the ones in the book.

And finally, whether you’re beside yourself with Joy in the knowledge that our new president will lead us into a new and brighter future, or you’re wondering how the American people could be duped by a guy who promised change and is now appointing a bunch of Washington re-treads, you have to ask yourself … How CA-UUUTE is this picture?


During the inaguration, I noticed Malia Obama taking pictures of the enormous crowd with her camera. Apparently she’s been documenting the inaugural week.  Can you imagine how very exciting it must be to be 10 years old, have your own little point-and-shoot camera, and be able to take up-close-and-personal pictures of your Dad on the biggest day of his political career?   So, so Cool!


31 thoughts on “Real Life Took Over”

  1. Sounds like a fun time with your girlfriends!

    What a stash you got from amazon! Lucky! That Sew Pretty Homestyle is one of my fave sewing books…they all look great, though! You’re going to have some fun with those!

    :) Diana

  2. Looks like you had a great time! I hope you catch up on your sleep soon. None for me tonight…I’m much too excited to be watching inauguration coverage!

  3. You undercover “quilty peeps” look hilarious! I’d die if I put in a week like yours—when did you sleep?
    Obama has his work cut out for him, and then some, but I’m rootin’for him!

  4. What a fun time you had. I can’t imagine!! I’m way to old for that stuff anymore. Oh for the good ole days!! I’d be sleeping for a week. Ar you caught up yet?

  5. Well how come I’ve not been on a pub crawl with you girlies?? Oh because you couldnt keep up with ME!!! I’m just sayin. lolol Hey peeps how are you?? I miss you all. Are we gonna meet again in Chi town??
    And yes that’s an adorable photo of the new first child taking a photo of her dad. One can only imagine how they must feel tonight.
    Here’s hoping we see “change”.

  6. What a fun, fun day you girls had. I kept watching the little girls yesterday too. Their lives will be sooooooooooooooo different and exciting. Can’t even imagine.

  7. You’ve been busy Anna!!! Pub crawling, eh!!! We watched the inauguration yesterday and are so excited for you and the rest of the world

  8. No, you are definitely a blonde. I’ve seen you.

    I’ve heard lots of good things about Mason-Dixon Knitting – sounds a very interesting book.

  9. You gals all look VERY cold in the first pic! Looks like fun, for sure!

    Sweet photo of Obama’s daughter with her camera. What amazing memories for her!

  10. Y’all look like you’re freezing half to death but happy at the same time. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I’ve never done a full pub crawl before, only a haunted pub crawl one time in Key West. It was a short trip, so I managed to stumble along before getting too tired.

    I love Malia Obama’s “documenting” the experience. So many wonderful memories and opportunities are ahead for her. It’s nice to see that she’s excited, too.

  11. First off, a little cold bunny arrived at my house yesterday afternoon!! He is SO cute and you’ll have to stay tuned for his further adventures!!

    I can’t imagine what it’s like to be those 2 little girls! I’m glad they will have a grandma living there with them.

    Your quilty peep outing sounds like a ton of fun!!! Knitting in the pub, excellent!! And it’s no wonder you’re tired, what a whirlwind of activity!!

  12. Sounds like you had yourself a great weekend. Those books look great. I’m always up for a book that’s a lot of eye candy. Speaking of which, I just got my Hancock’s catalog. *sigh*

  13. A knitting pub-crawl sounds really fun :) What a fun group you have there. Great stack of books. I have decided to do some knitting this year, I love the “takeability” factor!

  14. Way, way too much fun you girls had!!! Love the pictures. I also was watching those two sweet little girls yesterday…how very proud they were of their daddy.

  15. I love Wilson poses – someday I’ll see that sweet face my pretty :). Looks like you had a great time with all of the peeps. There’s just nothing like time spent hanging out and laughing with great friends. Hmmmm Cookie Craft – what’s that all about, sounds interesting.

    Hugs – karen

  16. Anna, I’m exhausted just reading about your week!!

    Your day/night out with the girls looks like so much fun – despite the ffffrrreeezing temperatures!

    Now, I think you should have a relaxing weekend with those lovely books :-)


  17. Cool wallets! Thanks for joining the giveaway! Good luck to you! Your comment made me chuckle…hee hee hee! I’m so glad that so many people are interested in tatting! It’s really rewarding.

  18. How fun that you girls had a chick night out, even in the freezing cold! You all are definitely hard core fabricaholics. :) I judge books by their covers and those are CUTE books. I hope you get those cookies made some day. :) And, I agree about the Obama girls. They are adorable. I hope they all have a successful adventure in DC. :)

  19. Hey, you’re never too old for a pub crawl, especially with girl friends. I empathise with the lack of energy afterwards, but coffee and energy tablets tend to fix me up. Loving your new pile of books, too.

  20. I love the photos of you, Anna! You are such an enigma. (I mean that in a good way!)

    I just love that you whipped out your knitting at a bar. Too cool! It’s remarkable that you even had it with you.


  21. ohhhh sounds like fun!!!!

    I love your book pile…I am so in love with my mason dixon book..

    i’m also a huge ‘faraway’ fan of barack!


  22. Brrrrr….you girls look cold, but very happy to be together! Sounds like you had such a wonderful time. I could picture you in the pub happily knitting away. Such a busy life you lead – I need to take a nap after reading about it! I hope we get reports on each book you bought….hint, hint!
    I think Malia is so cute, always with her camera, snapping away. What a scrapbook she’s going to have!

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