
Soap Bottle Love

Everyone having a good weekend???  A certain little someone is having a birthday today!  {Pssst….run over there and wish her a Happy Birthday and maybe she’ll post that Spanish Rice recipe that I keep nagging her about!!!}

Happy, Happy Birthday Brigette!!!

While Brigette has been celebrating her birthday weekend, I’ve been wasting my time keeping myself busy making little hand soap/sanitizer bottle covers.  (Otherwise known as avoiding the real work that should be done around here.)

Soap Bottles

Here’s a little close up of some of the details.  Look at that ADORABLE little silver flower button that Mrs. Pebble sent to me a few weeks ago.  (I Looooove Mrs. Pebble’s silver creations, and don’t worry, that button is far too valuable to languish away on a soap bottle — I just thought it would be cute there for now, until I find a proper home for it.)  Also, ’cause someone will probably ask, the Little Red Riding Hood ribbon came from Sew Deerly Loved, although she appears to be out of it now.

Soap Bottles

What to do with all those little bottle covers?  I suppose they’d make a nice gift in this cold and flu season.  And it is almost Valentine’s Day, although I’m not really sure what kind of a signal it sends to give your loved one a bottle of hand sanitizer.

Soap Bottles

Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

You’re full of germs,

But I still love you!

Do you think it’s too mushy???


55 thoughts on “Soap Bottle Love”

  1. Very sweet sanitizer cozies! And no, I don’t think the poem is too mushy–it’s perfect.

    (Missed you, but I caught up on your last *8* posts! Loved ’em. I took January off.)


  2. So funny! And what cute little covers although I confess not being at all into the hand sanitizer thing… full of germs me!

  3. I love the embroidered flowers with the big red bow and of course the cupcakes. Don’t you love to work on small projects when you’re procrastinating the big ones or cleaning….
    On another subject – I told my husband that I wish it was spring and we could spend the day at a few plant nurseries looking around. He replied “there wouldn’t be many plants right now”. Selective hearing… I WISH IT WERE SPRING!
    Can you see me shaking my head?
    love you Anna, Robin

  4. Ah ! LOVE your new banner !!!! ;o) And those soap thingy majiggers are way cute ! Oh and I had no clue it was Ms. B’s birthday! Thanks.

  5. Wow that project looks perfect for the button to me! It looks right at home in that little garden. I had never thought of a soap dispenser cover – everything, even the mundane, must look gorgeous in your house Anna x

  6. I’m really loving this project of yours. It’s simply adorable and I’m going to have to make a few. I really love the one that you crocheted. I learned a bit from my Auntie from NZ when she was here. I can actually make two different kinds of crocheted flowers. I’d love to learn how to do more and I’m teaching myself with the help of all the wonderful crochet tutorials out there in the blogosphere.

  7. What clever idea, and as usual your work is just so beautiful and meticulous. I am always amazed at how many great ideas you come up with!

  8. Those are so cute Anna, is the little white daisy flower crocheted or embroidered, it has some dimension ~ pretty. Anyway who wants to do “real” work, sewing is always much more fun! Ya I looked for the Spanish rice recipe, and had to resort to Miss Betty Crocker’s 1978 edition, my family enjoyed it but I will try another version ~hint, hint to Miss B. I love casseroles/one pot meals, especially since I’m the one woman clean up committee. I don’t think anything that says “you’re full of germs” would be considered too mushy LOL. Cute new banner xo you’re sweet!

  9. YOU are so clever…I swear. And cute. Cute and Clever. If we could wrap you in a cellopane bag with a bow….we could be millionaires. I love these. And the poem. Ha. The poem….the poem makes it. I cannot even choose a favorite. I always love cupcakes. BUT, I think I really like that little red riding hood. CUTE. The flowers are darling though. AND the wash your hands…that’d fit in my house. Who could choose?

  10. OMG Anna – you have raised the bar again on cute! I love the idea of hand sanitiser bottle covers and your poem cracked me up! Love teh crocheted edging – very sweet.

  11. These are crazy cute! (And a little bit crazy! My favorite is the red-and-white one.
    I can tell that this idea is going to percolate in my brain, no matter how I try to resist.
    You did a great job!

  12. Oh, those are so stinkin’ cute! You’ve topped my soap bottle with the photocopied transparency inside of it. (Although people do still ask how it was done!) I need to go get some more soap bottles now. These would make adorable Christmas gifts. Ack! Did I just say that?

  13. thanks for the birthday wishes. i think this might be my first Happy Birthday from a famous blogger, publicly at least!
    .oO she admits knowing me in public!

    great little hand santizier disguises that you’ve made! i think the poem is fantastic!
    i can’t believe you embroidered that flowered one, they are amazing.
    and when you said ‘sew dearly loved’ was ‘out of it now’, i didn’t think she was out of the ribbon, i thought you were saying she was ‘out of it’, like perhaps she was incognito, or had lost her mind.. haha.

    and i swear on my mother’s grave that i’ll get that spanish rice done by tuesday at midnight!

    have a wonderful sunday anna!

    i’m about to go sink my fork into a slice o’ chocolate cake!!
    :waves madly

  14. You are such a crack up! Those soap covers are adorable, I love the details. I have one of those hand sanitizer things at work, in the kitchen, in the car, and in my purse, and they sure would look cute with one of those covers. Love your new header.

  15. GAWJUS!!!! Love them Anna ~ what a great idea, you’re brilliant :o)!!!
    Nah … not too mushy at all.
    Joy :o)

  16. aw bless.. they are too cute.. we are heading to flu / cold season here..

    could make a lovely cover for moisturiser too (for the single male perhaps?) Oh I am BAD…


  17. oh my gosh they are so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now why would you want to do real work when you have those cuties to keep you busy and why stop at the hand sanitiser….oh the possibilities!

    love your new blog header too!


  18. You are just too seriously funny!!! I can’t believe that you can just “whip those things out”. It would take me a couple months just to figure out how to start making a soap cover.

    And I just read your previous post … the sweater napper! I think it’s the Empty Nest Child … he looks a bit guilty. My kitty, Fletcher, keeps taking the magnets off of our washer & dryer (I don’t like lots of magnets on my fridge so I put them on the washer and dryer). He takes them and then hides them under the rug. But don’t be too hard on the Empty Nest Child … he just wanted to feel close to you while you were at work!

  19. Those are just lovely and I am in hysterics at the idea of your valentine gift, especially as my own valentine has a rather unpleasant cold right now…I wonder if he would see the funny side?

  20. Beautiful soap covers….my favorite is the one with the flowers. Oh and I so LOVE your little diddy. Definitely not mushy at all.

  21. Those are SO adorable! Funny, I gave hand sanitizer in gift bags to my pals at the office for the holidays. I think it can be a thoughtful gift!

    Speaking of gifts – have you checked out the sewing links over at Lots of projects, tutorials, and even links to sewing charities that need help!

  22. Anna!!!! My visits into internet land have been too few lately, so I am behind on visiting lovely you. And OHMYGOSH!! These are so adorable! You are a genius. And the cable socks!!! Just when I was so proud of finishing my measly pair of socks you had to go and make these gorgeous ones! Way to put me in my place…hehe And the sweater cat has me laughing out loud. That is the funniest thing. One time our stinker found a roll of paper towels in the basement. He proceeded to unroll the entire thing and push it all neatly into his litter box. He is a weirdo. x

  23. Those are sooo cute Anna. Let me tell you I could use some hand santizer. I’ve been knocked down again by yet another virus that the snotty nosed ones bestowed upon me. Grrrr

  24. How do you think of these things? I have stared at my ugly little bottle recently and thought “I’ve need to get a cute dispenser”. And then you solve my problem. Kudos!

  25. Too cute! Adorable way to decorate a Super Bowl treat.

    Hmmm, I used to live in Indianapolis years ago so I like the Colts. I like the Saints too because of what a win would mean for New Orleans.

    Enjoy your Super Bowl Sunday!

  26. Leave it to you to really fancy up a common item. You are amazing! Love the Valentine poem too! Who doesn’t like a bit of humor?

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