
Springtime in Paris

I have to tear myself away from the Superbowl — it’s too stressful!  (Ok, I’m kidding — I’m going back in a minute!)

Yesterday was our (MeMum and I) annual visit to the kids’ old school to sneak a peek at their big yearly auction and dinner.  The theme this year was Springtime in Paris.  Our sneak-in-excuse is that we want to view all the things that are being auctioned.  There were lots of cool things to buy — items ranged from a real puppy (this year a golden retriever) to a trip to Paris.  MyDadLovesMeBestSister works at the school and she and CrazyBIL auctioned off a crepe making party at their house for high school kids.  Their auction  basket is in the picture below.  (I embroidered the little french chef on the towel for her.  ;-) )


As you enter the main room, you walk through a hallway.  The ceiling of the hallway was covered with upside down umbrellas and lights — it was pretty cute.  Once inside the main room, there was a big Eiffel Tower all lit in blue lights.

France France

It was really dark in there this year, which made picture taking a little difficult.  We went earlier this year, to avoid the disapproving looks we got last year, but imho, it turned out to be a little too early.  The tables weren’t completely set yet.  I love seeing them with all the wine glasses for all the different courses of the meal.


I have to say, I was a little disappointed in the decor this year.  It wasn’t nearly as pretty as it has been in past years.  My favorite years have been when they select children’s books as their theme.  It makes for much more colorful and cheerful decor.


It’s really hard to see in the above picture, but if you look to the left, you can see the flower baskets that they had hanging over each table.  The baskets had lights, and it wasn’t until I got home and looked at pictures that I realized that they also had candle holders.  I wonder if they put candles in them for the evening — if they did, it would have made them really pretty.


No matter what the theme, they always have gorgeous flowers on display.  This year was all about spring and therefore lots of tulips.  I also took a picture of this little tray of chocolates — you know, in honor of my word of the year — chocolate.  ;-)

I suspect they’ll start planning for next year’s gala in the next few weeks.  I sure hope they go back to a children’s book theme!


33 thoughts on “Springtime in Paris”

  1. Look at that! I may be first….Such cheerful tulips—a treat for eyes tired of gray gloomy weather! So who won? It was on, but I wasn’t paying attention….

  2. Crud! I thought I was going to be first! Also crud for the Colts. Boo Hoo.

    What a neat fund-raiser. I love the pictures.

  3. Oh! Be still my heart. Springtime in Paris! Sigh. Maybe the book-themed events are cuter, but this one caught my fancy for sure.

    Superbowl? You mean that raucous noise that was coming from the television downstairs. Pffft. I was sewing…

  4. They really put an amazing amout of effort into it, that’s for sure. And anything “Paris” tickles my fancy……..I love their lit-up eiffel tower. Sounds like there’s some pretty neat things to bid on too….. a puppy!?!

  5. That is such a fun tradition. Your pictures are good they give the feel of the room. A lot of thought has to go into all that tho.

  6. What a beautiful decorating job. If that isn’t as good as other years then those years must have been amazing!

  7. Wow – they really go all out! Looks really fun! And your crepe making party basket was so cute! Great idea!

    Oh, and I just had to tell you that we were out to dinner the other night with 4 other couples and I was the last one to sit down so I kind of got stuck by the boys & all of my girlfriends were a few seats down. So one of the guys leans over and says, “So Ambs, who do you want to win the Superbowl?” I thought real hard and then nonchalantly said, “The Colts” (my husband’s mouth was probably on the floor because he knows I NEVER watch sports!) The only reason I knew that the colts were one of the teams, was from your blog post about the cute cupcakes. I was so excited that I was able to come up with an answer even if I was really impartial about who I wanted to win! Thanks for keeping me educated!

  8. you little rebel you.
    i love the little chef flipping crepes that you embroidered. (and the little jar of nutella right next to it doesn’t hurt either).
    how much did the basket go for?
    i say you go later and later each year, and TRY to get the disapproving looks, better yet, DOCUMENT them for us!!
    if they say anything, tell them they’re on video… and it’s going to the local news. :)

  9. Everything looks so beautiful. The towel with the chef is adorable. I love the Eiffel Tower, sparkley lights, and flowers. It’s hard to imagine that there have been better years.

    I was waiting for you to say you bought the trip to Paris …

  10. I can only imagine what these nights from the past have been like … cos this looks amazing to me!!! What a great fund raising idea, looks like great fun!!
    Joy :o)

  11. Did you bid on the puppy? I’m sure you need one. LOL!

    Cute basket. And I forgot to mention last time…lovely banner. I love Valentine heart candy. I eat them until I am sick. And then I eat some more. There’s no stopping me. I think it is an addiction. Thank goodness they don’t sell them year round! If they did, I would probably be shaped like an upside-down candy heart! Not a good look, I’m thinking.

    Happy day,

  12. Sounds like a great fundraiser. Your title makes me think of that Meg Ryan movie, French Kiss, and she is singing her own version of I Love Paris in the Springtime. (“…because my love is there. With his slut girlfriend.”) He he :)

  13. Wow – that looks like such a great event, and well done you and your family for making a contribution. It’s what ‘community’ is all about, isn’t it? x

  14. Wow, looks like so much work – but each year looks wonderful…Alot of detail and hard work. So how much snow do you have? We had about 8″ and we’re in the middle of another 6 – 8 “. We did our errands yesterday so hubby, myself and the puppy are in for the day. What’s the point of even getting out of the jammies…although a shower and clean jammies sound nice – when I get around to it. Working on embroidering (hand) pillowcases for Barb, knitting a big bag, and knitting lavender from the 100 Flowers to Knit & Crochet book. Also have some pillowcases to sew when I get time(?). So many WIP, so little time.
    Stay warm, Robin

  15. I am such a fan of your headers! They are so darn creative!! They always put a smile on my face!

    The auction looks GREAT! What a fun event!! I do like the idea of using children’s lit as a decorating theme (as a collector of children’s books). All the possibilities!! I have been to Paris in the Springtime and that’s a wonderful time to travel there.

    Geraldine Brooks… have you read People of the Book? I’m enjoying it as much as Year of Wonders.
    Hugs Anna!

  16. Wow, that’s amazing! You can’t even tell it’s held at a school. I would love to see how they decorate for the children’s books. I bet the person who won your sister’s crepe-making party were thrilled! I knwo I would be. :)

  17. Zowie! That is an awesome looking fund-raiser! Most schools would put up a couple crepe paper streamers & call it good!! Hope it was a big success.

  18. Oh this sounds like a wonderful event.
    Your photos are phantastic.
    When I see them I get in the mood for a little trip .
    Thats the good thing about old europe, everything is near, in 4 hours I could be there.
    But it is 13 year ago, since I have been there.
    Have a great week

  19. Quite an Event, isn’t it? What fun to get a preview.

    Sorry about your Colts. We were rootin’ for the Saints. The cupcakes looked good though!


  20. I always love seeing the pictures and hearing about this affair. Everything looked beautiful. What was on the menu?

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