
Treasure Island

Well, in spite of the big money offer, I’m back.  I’ve had a few questions about that million dollar e-mail offer to buy my blog.  You know it’s spam, right?  I’ve read a few other blogs that have received the same spam.  After I read the first line, offering the millions, I quit reading.  I’m pretty sure that if there were any offer to buy this blog, it would only be to shut me up!  Alas, you’re not getting off that easy!

So, it’s time for the annual visit to the big school fund-raising auction.  As you can read here, here, and here, MeMum and I go early every year to sneak a peek at the decor (because we don’t actually go to the swanky, black tie affair).  MeMum didn’t feel well enough to go this year, so I had to sneak around without my wingman, which was no easy feat.   The theme was Treasure Island and the decor was pretty darn cool.  As always, you enter through a “tunnel” that they create in the high school locker room (not that you’d ever know that you were in the locker room).


At every turn there were skeletons, treasure chests, booze bottles,and even a parrot or two!


Once inside the auditorium on the Island, there were beautiful tables for feasting everywhere.  These pictures are a bit deceiving — the lighting was actually VERY low (which explains the dark pictures).


The waiters were working on the tables while I was there.  These place settings aren’t complete — there are still more wine glasses and silverware to be properly positioned.


The centerpieces were beautiful too.  Lots of flowers and fruits and treasure inside of the coconuts.  I don’t remember really seeing any other flower arrangements this year, which is unusual.  The centerpieces are usually just the beginning of all the beautiful flowers at these events.  I guess they thought the extra skeletons would suffice.


One touch I loved were these light fixtures made from old rum bottles.  Very clever!


One last (very dark) view of the tables with the big island map in the background.


I thought they did a beautiful job this year, as always.  I always enjoy seeing all the clever touches that relate to the theme.  And now, if I start a new traditional closing line, maybe one day it will come true … I hope they go back to having a children’s book theme next year.


39 thoughts on “Treasure Island”

  1. That’s indeed an amazing set up for swanky affair. Lovely! Glad to know that you’ll be around (in blog land) in spite of the real or not so real offer of millions.

  2. If they could actually put a value on how much we all enjoy reading your adventures, it might be worth a million!

    The decor this year is something our Miss Ru would love. Pirates of the Caribbean is her favorite!

  3. I look forward to these posts each year Anna! What a fun theme – love all the attention to detail, the coconuts, the run bottles etc.

    Hope your Mum is feeling brighter soon!

    I feel a bit rejected – I was only offered $1000 for my blog:)

  4. what school is this? i have a guess, but if you didn’t say the name on your blog…i wont either.
    definitely not my aluma mater!

  5. Wow! Whoever plans the decorating is really talented. Our daughter’s high school does something similar each year, but I’m not sure the decorations are anywhere near as elaborate so I’m not sure it is worth driving into to town to sneak in for a quick look. With so many schools, it isn’t the tuition that will do you in, it is all these fund-raisers.

  6. Wow, wow, wow!! I would love to sneak in just like you did. That is the coolest ever. Very talented and creative . Doesn’t quite look like a high school. So fun!

  7. Wow! Mt granddaughters HS does a similiar dinner auction but this setting is over the top!We bid with the kids one year for a week in Naples FL at someone’s vacation house for spring break, it was one of the best family vacations we ever had! At first it felt like a huge amount of $$ until we figured out what it would cost for 3 hotel rooms and eating out all the time.

  8. Amazing – we don’t have anything like that over here! I haven’t been offered money for my blog, but I did have a spam email telling me that they had a cheque for £500,000, with my name on it. All I had to do was phone up a nice man and pay him £155 and he would send it to me. Another one was supposed to be from the taxman, who would sned a rebate to my bank account if I just gave him all my bank details …… but as it was signed ‘best regards’ …… can you just imagine the taxman sending you best regards …… I rather suspected it was spam too!!

  9. I keep checking to see what creative thing you’re going to do with your thimbles for Valentine’s Day. Skipping it?? Oh, no!!

    The school auction venue is absolutey fantastic!! Just plain old gorgeous!! Good photos too!!

    I have to go check out the Nikon coffee mugs… thanks! I think we’d have a great time shopping together.

  10. Wow – that looks amazing and the attention to detail is incredible!
    I love the flower arrangements. Just think how many of them you’ll be able to buy when you do get paid all those millions for your blog :o)


  11. Oh, I’m so glad you didn’t sell your blog. lol
    Love the pictures of the fundraising event. What a great job they did! I’m sure it will be a great success. :)

  12. Treasure Island is beautiful! Whoever came up with the settings and decorations is tremendously talented. I love the treasures in the coconut.

    Hope your mom feels better soon.

  13. So fun and all the amazing detail that went in to decorating…..well AMAZING!!! There’s some very talented people involved there.

  14. This looks such a fun event to go to, what a wonderful theme and superbly done too.
    Regrettably no-one has offered me a million dollars for my blog!

  15. wow…amazing! the most effort that was taken in my school to decorate for special events was putting balloons on the ceiling…

  16. But this is amazing! *stares mouth wide open*
    Who does all that scene dressing? Surely not the PTA? The school must rake in a lot in donations/sponsorship on the night judging by the amount they dared spend on decor.

    I worked as the Display Co-ordinator at my daughter’s secondary school for a couple of years – I’d be responsible for the decking the hall out for such events – but we only ever had a budget of 2p so it was paper chains and a potted plant!


  17. makes me sing: yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me! flashing back to my fav disney ride!

    looks like a fantastic time there, anna!



    ps: lol about the offer to buy your blog. i get ridiculous spam offers to send me money all of the time.

  18. the blog buyer clearly didn’t offer you enough!

    sorry memum couldn’t make it this year! their decorating is unbelievable. i don’t know that i could think it up, no less pull it off!

    i hope they go back to children’s books as well! perhaps, gashlycrumb tinies!! :) now that would be a riot!

  19. Another brilliant decorating theme – thanks for sharing as usual!! I only got offered a couple of grand too – maybe I should try posting occasionally – ha!!! Hope your mum is feeling better soon. xx

  20. If I had a million dollars to give away, I’d give it to you to make sure you keep on blogging as your posts are always delightful.

    The Treasure Island theme is amazing and took a lot of thought and effort to create. The effect is stunning. I love all things piratical and am going to keep some of the ideas for future party ideas. Thank you for sharing the event with us.

  21. Oh, my gosh! That is incredible! I love when you share this event with us. It’s just very cool. Sorry your mum wan’t feeling well. I hope she’s doing better.
    Have a very happy Valentine’s Day, Anna!

  22. Everything this year is gorgeous, love the rum bottle lights, too cute! I hope they made the tunnel through the girl’s locker room =)
    WHO wants to shut you up?!! No one here. And to the spammers: offering a million is so last year, a billion is more like it.

  23. Wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day! I think it’s time to take down the Happy New Year banner now!

  24. Ohhh. I wish I could go to this dinner. It would give me a chance to talk pirate for real. I talk pirate here at home, but it would be sooo much better to do it at a party. Arrrg is one of my favorite words, matey. :-)

    Forgot to tell you that I love the Suess boxers. I wonder if Mr. Handsome would like a pair? What kind of pattern do you use? Just wondering.

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