
Trip Trippy Dip

I’m still working hard on my Trip Around the World.  This is my baby through round 24.

Thimbleanna:  Trees

Amazingly, I’m still on schedule.  The assignment for this month was rounds 19 through 24.  The instructions were to a) use our exchange fabric, b) have at least one row be a “make-do” row (i.e., play like our pioneer grandmothers who would have run out of some prints and had to improvise in some of the rounds by using more than one fabric), and c) use the red dot in another round.  I used my red dot in round 24, my exchange fabric in round 22, and rounds 21 and 23 were make-do rounds.  Round 21 was a true make-do round — I was four squares short of that green spotty fabric, so I placed a the green polka dot from round 4 in the corners of round 21.

Thimbleanna:  Trees

I’m thinking I want my quilt to be at least a double and maybe a bit bigger.  I calculated how much more work would be needed if I went to 44 rounds (which would make the quilt 88″ x 88″).  I’ll only need 20 more rounds, but surprisingly, in terms of actual little squares of fabric, I’m not even half-way yet.  The half-way point will occur somewhere around row 29 or 30.  Yikes!   I’ve been at this for 2 1/2 months now, so if I could hold to the current pace, I’m guessing it would take me another 3 – 3 1/2 months to finish.  I don’t see that happening though — fall is always a busy time around here and the big winter event will soon be just around the corner.  So, I’ll keep plodding along (although, I’m thinking a lot more time will be spent in choosing fabrics and colors — it’s getting harder and harder!) and not be disappointed if this project doesn’t wrap up until after Christmas sometime.

I wanted to show you something fun (at least to me LOL) — remember in the Becky Goldsmith post where I mentioned that I’d dipped into the 70’s stash for one of the fabrics?  That fabric is the little blue floral in round 23.  I’ve placed my TAW on top of a quilt that MeMum made in the early 80’s using that same blue fabric.  She uses her quilt every day and I’m amazed at how well the blue in the fabric has held up.

Thimbleanna:  Trees

When TheFirstChild was about 6 months old, I told MeMum that I wanted to learn how to hand quilt.  She sent me this LeMoyne Star quilt that she’d pieced so that I could figure it out.  I quilted one block in the center (there are 12 blocks in the quilt) and realized that TheFirstChild would be an adult before I finished the quilting.  Since we wanted it to be done in a more reasonable amount of time, we sent if off to a quilter.  It was a good decision and it’s fun to look at the quilting and figure out which block is mine — you can definitely tell.

Thimbleanna:  Trees

Life is a little slower now without a baby, and I’m really enjoying all of this handwork. If you missed the first Trip Around the World Challenge, Brigitte has started another one. I’d tell you how to find it, but facebook and I hate each other* and I can’t figure it out. You could probably start by going to Brigitte Giblin’s homepage (don’t blame me if that’s not her homepage … see previous comment about me and facebook) and poking around. (Good Luck LOL!)

Have a great week!

*Case in point: I think it’s ridiculous that every time you “like” something on facebook, it gets splashed all over for everyone to see. Can’t a girl have a little privacy and support her friends? The only way I’ve found to keep that from happening is to block your friends. That’s just Stooooopid. (I’m done with my rant now haha.)

25 thoughts on “Trip Trippy Dip”

  1. Oh, I am soooooo with you on the Facebook thing! Don’t want folks knowing my every move, like or dislike, or that I just let myself and my daughters eat popcorn for dinner as husband was at a meeting, yadayadayada. People share everything. As you said, a girl needs a little privacy. On a happier note, your TAW quilt is looking scrumptious!! I love it!

  2. I’m with you on the Facebook thing—I work in my LYS shop and we are required to post on Facebook every time we work. That is the only reason I have an account, and I had such a hard time setting it up that I took an adult ed class at one of the local community colleges to figure it out. I cringe when I see some of the extremely personal information and pictures that people post on there. Anyhoo—your quilt is gorgeous and I love your fabric choices.

  3. It’s interesting to sew how your baby has morphed from more or less orange to a more bluish teenager! It’s looking fantastic by the way. I wish I had more hours in a day so I could have joined or if I wasted less time on the computer I probably could have finished my Auntie Green and done the Trip Around The World as well!

  4. Your TAW is gorgeous , I was looking for your ‘make do’ and didn’t notice the Polkas until you said where they were and they really make it a bit of fun. Not that it isn’t but you know what I mean lol. The other quilt looks brand new not something made in the 80’s ! Facebook is a pain in the ass, I only have it because I play a game on there and have done for years so don’t want to come off it for that reason and I have a It’s Just Peri page .

  5. Oh, Anna – your quilt just gets more beautiful with every new row! I’m feeling your pain on not even being halfway. I seem to have been sewing hexagons together forever but it’s still not even baby quilt sized!

    Totally with you on the FB thing. I joined a border collie group and liked lots of posts, then realised all my friends were being bombarded with all the things I’d liked! FB and I are on a break right now and I’m currently in a relationship with Instagram ;)


  6. Your TATW is looking really great. I love the dark rounds, gives it a lot of sparkle.
    Didn’t know you are on FB – we should be friends, then I can see what you like, ha ha

  7. Your TATW is just gorgeous. I am so impressed. I am getting a little more motivated on my Hexy project but when I think about sewing it together I know its my 10 yr project…at least! I do a little FB and I do hate the ongoing cross ovoer but I also enjoy seeing a little now and again from folks I wouldn’t have a chance to keep up without it.

  8. I love your TAW – fingers crossed that you can keep up with the schedule (I am hopelessly behind with Mrs B). Facebook, Twitter, Instagram have all passed me by – I don’t even have a smartphone!!

  9. Your trip around the world looks fabulous, Anna. I don’t know how you’ve got the patience for it! I don’t do Facebook or Instagram or Twitter. I just can’t be bothered with it all. Crumbs, that makes me sound grumpy!! :oD

  10. Your Trippy is looking so much different now with the new additions. It’s really cool. I love that you added in the 80’s blue.

    Facebook — I’m not on there. Too much drama for me. I hear enough from my kids.

  11. I’m so impressed that you are still on schedule! It looks gorgeous. I love the green polka dot make do section! That blue floral fabric looks pretty familiar to me too.. I’m sure it was in at least one of the quilts of my childhood.

  12. I love seeing your progress on this quilt – it is Amazing! So many little squares. And all by hand. Beautiful!! I’ll bet its fun too. Somebody had the nerve to tell me that there are only 20 or so weekends till the big winter event. WHY would they do that??? I’m ignoring it :o)

  13. What a great looking quilt – both of them actually. Love the color combinations in your trip, makes me smile which is always a good thing.

    I have a love/hate relationship with facebook, too. I often wonder if it’s worth the bother, but somehow I’m still on there. ;)

  14. hi anna,
    stopped by…hope it’s all good & that you are enjoying the summer…or what is left of it!
    beautiful, meticulous quilting…& love your color placements!!

    i have been knitting quite a bit & am joined a KAL: lin- lin shawl using madeline tosh new color called lowland…& loving it!

    have a sunshine week!
    x lnb

  15. finally one night of internet and quickly going through as many blogs as I can – love the trip around the world it is coming along so nicely!

  16. i have that blue fabric too anna! an oldie but goodie…in fact, i have it in about 5 colorways!! love seeing it in your quilt, and in the older quilt too!
    i half way took beckys advice and boxed up 6 Staples boxes of fabric. yahoo! it can just stew in the attic for a while…i need to free up some space…visual space really i think.

  17. Love it Anna…. It’s so beautiful.. So much fun to see your version… :)
    Have caught up a little on your blog… And love your new pink shirt…it’s gorgeous…and to have had Becky on a visit…so much fun… Loved “danger sewer” hi hi…

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