
Wascally Wabbit

How’s your week coming along? Lots of running around here. I did drag out a more recent UFO and managed a little piecing time over the weekend.

Thimbleanna's Children

It’s my Children at Play quilt top – I’m making good progress and hopefully there will be a finished top pretty soon. In the meantime, I played with the scraps too.

Thimbleanna's Children

And contemplated what to do with all of these leftover triangles. Still undecided – any ideas?

Thimbleanna's Children

Hey! Want to see my little garden? We finally have a little sunny space in our yard – created when the retaining wall was put in last fall. I love a little garden. I don’t have much hope for the beets and carrots – I really just planted them because they look so pretty.

Thimbleanna's Children

Good thing I’m not really counting on them ’cause someone else has other ideas. See that teeny leaf on the left down there?

Thimbleanna's Children

Those are the remains of a beet. Ramn Dabbit!!! I tried putting used cat litter around the edge of the garden. It worked for awhile, but Peee-Eeeew! It was smelly. Now we have a little wire fence. Hopefully it will work.

Off to dream of Wabbits in cages!

31 thoughts on “Wascally Wabbit”

  1. Oooh, your children beginning is looking amazing. Can’t wait to see how it comes along. As to the garden – first of all to be a gardener you must be optimistic (foolishly so at times); secondly you must fight off everything that wants to get your goodies before you do. And it is often a losing battle. (Hence the need for optimism) I picked some beautiful tomatoes today and I threw just as many that the worms beat me to into the chicken pen. Grrrr!

  2. I finally finished a ten year project and will be hand delivering it soon to little grandson! The freedom! Now I can sneak around no more, but start something new with a clear conscience! I am the killer of gardens, or at least the gardener unwilling to stand out in the broiling FL sun giving a garden all the beverages it needs….. Yours looks very healthy…..and well watered!

  3. Pesky wabbit! Why don’t you make some chain pieced fabric scrap bunting and zig zag it low over the veggies to keep away the bunnies? Solve 2 problems in one!

  4. I usually end up giving away very small bits – I don’t have the patience to work with them!
    We have planted some veggies this year – nothing has nibbled them ….. so far!!

  5. Just love the colours in that quilt – so pretty.

    Wabbits can be pests. In one of houses we lived in, they would eat almost everything in our garden!

  6. Pinwheels? Flying geese? Tiny stars? That help?! Garden does look pretty. You’ll have to stake them out with maybe a shanghai! Good luck.

  7. Those darn rabbits probably think you are providing them with a free salad buffet! I hope the wire fence will keep them out from now on. I’m looking forward to seeing your Children at play quilt once it’s together. The colours are so pretty.

  8. Oh those silly rabbits.

    I’ve been busy despite the heat and no AC in our home :(
    I finished the two bags I made for the grand daughters and even made a couple of dish cloths for their mom who loves them. I can’t post about them yet until I send them out, don’t want to spoil the surprise :) I can’t wait to see it all done.

  9. I have no ideas for your HST scraps. I’m wondering what to do with mine from my Rudy Swoon. I was thinking of a zig zag tablerunner or accent pillow or something. I’m at a loss. Right now they are all in a pile, waiting. I hope you catch the thieves. Reason I don’t plant a garden. With deer, chipmunks, rabbits and who knows what else… Punk did plant her own little garden and she has sunflowers coming up. Sweet corn too. We’ll see how those do.

  10. My little rabbit would love those carrot tops. She goes nuts when we get them at the grocers. They’re her favorite greens!

  11. Love that fabric! I’d make a purse with my scraps, but then again, I always think of making purses with anything leftover.

  12. damn wabbit!! the squirrels like to raid our garden. if i could just convince them to stick with the rose hip and leave the rest alone…i think we need mediation…

  13. your garden looks great, except for chewed bits of course.
    left over hst are the best, they can do so many things!! You’ll come up with something fab I know!

  14. Oh my but those triangles are tiny! At one time we had a neighbour with a rabbit, and the rotten cute little thing ate all of my pansies! I was not amused….

  15. Good luck with the tiny triangles. No ideas there but I have a squirrel that eats my plants in the veggie garden. I make up a bottle of 2/3 water and 1/3 kitchen dish soap and spray my leaves. It’s safe (just wash your veggies and outside rain and water will do that anyway) and won’t harm the ground and the animals hate the taste.

  16. I think your little garden is looking terrific and that you should count on it producing for you! Hopefully, fencing out the wabbit works! Be strong Mrs. MacGregor!

  17. I heard or read somewhere that if you plant something the rabbits really like they will eat that and leave the other stuff alone, not sure how true it is!!

  18. Naughty Wabbit! It must be maddening to have rabbits nibbling your veg. I’m having the same problem with slugs and my heartsease pansies – at least I wasn’t planning to east those though:)

  19. Your garden is lovely, Anna. Silly wabbit! Are the squirrels munching on your garden, too? I seem to remember they like to eat lounge chairs.
    I would love to grow veggies on my patio in containers, but I worry the squirrels would destroy it.

  20. Bad rabbits, because you know that where there’s one, there’s more than one. ;) Lovely garden, though! And sweet quilt- you do make me want to get into my sewing room, grab some fabric and sew. Darn you! hahahahahaha

  21. Those are some wonderfully tiny bits of wonderful you have there!! Those silly wabbits…they just can’t help themselves..your garden is too tempting and beautiful.

  22. Love your little leftovers. They’re just so stinkin’ cute!

    I had the same trouble with my little “garden.” We waited for the tomatoes to get ripe, only to have an insane mockingbird peck away at almost every one of them. Seems like he could have finished eating one tomato before he started on the next. :-)

  23. What jerks, those rabbits! Though…the cat litter. Does that entice cats to your veg bed? That’s what I’d be afraid of.

    You gotta get a dog to go out there and flush out the bunnies – thanks to Jada we never have trouble with squirrels, possum, raccoons or anything else.

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