
Birthday Adventure Girls

Hello, Hello!  Did you have a nice weekend?  I had a great weekend — with LOTS of sewing.  ;-D

I gave in to the call of my Adventure Girls quilt kit.  I was going to make it for me, but while I was piecing the top on Saturday afternoon, I realized that I was worrying about not having a birthday present for MeMum.  Then it dawned on me — she has a flannel throw quilt for tv watching, but not a lighter quilt for the summer.  The Adventure Girls would be perfect!  So, I kicked it into gear (and stayed up late!) so I could finish the quilt in time for her birthday — which was yesterday.

Thimbleanna: Adventure Girls Quilt

My version of the quilt looks just like the full view I showed you a few posts ago, so I didn’t take a new full view shot.  This quilt was SO fun to make.  Those little Adventure Girls are so cute and it was  fun to look at all the details while I was sewing away.  I quilted it very simply — 1/4″ quilting on both sides of all of the seams, and then I quilted around most of the figures in one way or another.  You can sort of see how I went around the figures in the picture below.  (Look at the cute little dog!)

Thimbleanna: Adventure Girls Quilt

While I was quilting, it seemed like the quilt was just so flimsy and didn’t really have much substance.  I remember I felt that way when I was quilting the graduation quilt for my nephew.  It always amazes me how washing the quilt really makes it come to life.  The process makes the batting bloom and it really makes the quilt cozy.  I chose the blue flower print for the back of the quilt.

Thimbleanna: Adventure Girls Quilt

I LOVE this little quilt and I’ll have to make at least one more (possibly two)!  And I love having fun, quick projects now and then, in between the longer, more detailed projects.  Here are the Adventure Girls all bundled up before I gave them to MeMum (complete with a small adventure girl giving my bow the once over).

Thimbleanna: Adventure Girls Quilt

Now that I’m refreshed from a fun project, I can get back to the Steampunk blocks.  Oh, and the rest of the items on my 10 Things this Summer list.  Summer is almost over!

Have a good week!

22 thoughts on “Birthday Adventure Girls”

  1. Ha, I knew it! You couldn’t resist, could you ??? But what better excuse than to make a quilt for your mum’s birthday. And you did it in super fast time! I bet she was very pleased.

  2. what a wonderful gift a quilt makes – I just sent one off to one of many nieces who is very sick right now – you are right the quilt just comes to life after it is washed and dried. I love the crinkly old fashion look it gets.

  3. That turned out SO adorably cute! She must just love it! I can’t believe you finished it so fast. As soon as I get my sewing room back together I will have to get to work on mine. Thanks for sharing the photos!

  4. it is a suh-weet quilt – and makes me wish that i had spent the past few days making up the kit instead of sewing backings and cutting bindings for Long Lost Flimsies that have been hibernating since the Little Ice Age…

    tell Auntie MeMum that we wish her the happiest of happy birthdays!!!

  5. ‘appy birthday mum. (with my best british accent)
    okay, you are a FREAKING ROCK STAR
    i was going to call you a MOTHER EFFIN ROCK STAR, but that sounded vulgar. wouldn’t want anyone thinking i’d gone all finny on you. (no offense finny – i make your best tomato sauce ever all the time and envy your gardening skills and your wit)
    such a cute quilt – i just love cori dantini and her drawings – and it’s cool that you got the fabric before it’s long gone.
    alright, my work day’s not over yet. off to save the world.
    :waves madly

  6. What charming fabric. I haven’t seen that before. I’m sure it will be well loved. I love it when the quilt comes to life.

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