

Lots O’ Goodies

Wow.  Thanks for all of your wonderful comments on my last post.  I had so much fun reading them all, and now I’m armed with some really great ideas for little random acts of kindness.  If you need any suggestions, head over to the comments — you’ll be inspired!

Christmas is now right around the corner and I’m starting to panic!  To make things worse, I’d planned on being off of work starting this Friday, and now I’ll have to work at least part of that time.  Boo.  Hisssssss!!!!   There’s been no fun Christmas crafting going on around here.  No package wrapping.  No baking.  Some decorating and a tidbit of shopping though.  And…a super fun early gift exchange.  I was lucky enough to get lots of goodies and thought I’d show you the crafty bits.

Christmas Gifts

My friends know I love to knit and sew so they spoiled me.  Did you catch those adorable little sheepie knitting stitch markers?  They’re pretty tiny, but I think it would be fun to try and make some of those.  Toooo cute!

Christmas Gifts

And my buddy who gave me the cute Santa fabric bundle thought the Santa would make an adorable napkin ring.  How cute (and easy!) would those be decorating your Christmas table?

Christmas Gifts

If you buddies are reading — You. Guys. Rock!  Thank You — I love all of my goodies.  I’m so fortunate to have such wonderful friends!

And Look Looky!  What do we have here???  The PIPS are in the house — Woohoo!!!  The Sherbet Pips by Aneela Hoey.  If you’ve been following along, you know I love these cute little Pips.  They’re a new fabric line by Moda (well, by the super cute Aneela Hoey, to be more precise) and the fabric won’t be available until April 2011.  I have just a few precuts available though and I thought I’d pop them into the store.


Be the first one on your block to own the Pips LOL!  I won’t have time to get them into the store until Friday, but if you’d like to secure yours ahead of time (and get them in the mail more quickly) just leave me a comment or send an e-mail ( and I’ll send you a paypal invoice.  The fat quarter pack (hurry, there’s only ONE) sells for $74.00 + postage  and the charm packs are $9.00 each + postage SOLD (thank you!).

Now, go forth and make merry — there’s only 9 days until the big day — YIPES!!!


It Was Worth Every Minute

Holy Smokes — it’s the middle of December already.  And not a Christmas post in sight around here.  Very sad.  How ’bout a picture of Santa hanging in my kitchen?


There, now I feel better.  But that has nothing to do with this post.  ;-)

You know how you always hear stories about people who do fun things for strangers?  Like pay for the car behind them in the drive-thru lane?  Or something like Karin’s fun with words of hope and kindness?  I’m always too chicken to do something like that.  Or too busy.  Or too out-to-lunch.

But the Saturday after Thanksgiving was a little different. I was in the Target check-out line and started up a conversation with this cute little cashier.  We’ll call her Lucy (not really her name, you know.)  We were making small talk and I asked her if she’d survived Black Friday.

“Oh Yes!  All 10 hours of it for me.”  She was so cheery and happy.  As she was ringing up my towels, she said,

“I took advantage of the towel sale too.  My niece is going to Purdue and I want to get them embossed for her.”  (That really made me smile!)

“Oh, that’s my favorite gift to get new college students.  Towels in their school colors with a monogram on them.”

Then she asked me where I get my towels done and I told her that I was lucky and had my own machine.  She hesitated for a minute and then said,

“Could I pay you to do mine for me?”

Oooooh.  I didn’t expect that.  So, I politely told her that I don’t really embroider for other people, there’s just not enough time.  And we discussed a few places that she might find to embroider her towels.

Then I rushed off to the post office and my other errands.

Only I couldn’t stop thinking about cute little Lucy and how excited she was to give these towels to her niece.  And how hard she was working.  And how happy and cheerful she was while standing on her feet all day waiting on customers.  I even got a tear in my eye!

Would it really kill me to embroider a few towels for someone who’d brightened my day a little?  So, I ran back to Target and sheepishly told her I’d embroider her towels for her.  (After all, we didn’t even know each other.  It was a leap of faith on her part to give towels she’d paid for to a perfect stranger.)  She was so excited, it was fun to arrange the pick-up and drop-off.

Liza Towels

After I finished the towels, I dropped them off and then called Lucy to tell them she could pick them up.  She’d already seen them and she was SO sweet and so grateful.  She said she loved them.  She even said she almost cried when she saw them.

Liza Towels

That made it all worthwhile. That’s what I’m talking about!


P.S. I really  didn’t tell you this so you’ll say what a nice thing to do or anything. I contemplated turning comments off (heh, why bother, my server does that enough for me, but I digress) but I’m hoping maybe you’ll tell me about something totally random and fun that you’ve done or heard about?

Whatever Happened to …

the kitties who drag sweaters around?

We outsmarted them. We close the bedroom door so they can’t get to the sweaters anymore. Then, they outsmarted us back. Now they drag the t.v. blankets from the family room all around the house. Every night when we come home, there’s at least one blanket on the floor. (Oh look … there’s the little culprit surveying his handiwork.)

Bad Kitties

Sometimes, the quilt is by their dinner bowl. They might be sending a signal.

Bad Kitties

the little boy who could recite Billy Collins poetry?

He actually met, and talked to Billy Collins! You can read the All Things Considered story and listen to the interview.  Definitely worth your time.  (Thanks to Jill for the tip.)

knitting here in ThimbleannaLand? In particular, the yarn that I bought at the end of this post?

I know. It’s pitiful. Not much knitting goes on around here. Most of my knitting was done on airplanes, and since I don’t travel much anymore, I’m struggling to find knitting time. The yarn mentioned, is a pair of socks in progress — they’ve been on the needles for. ev. er. The good news is the heel has been turned, so there’s hope in sight!

Blue Socks

the advent calendar I made last year?

I gave it to MyDadLovesMeBestSister and it looks much better in her house. CuteNiece2 was excitedly explaining to me last week that they don’t put the numbers in order and it makes it a lot more fun to figure out which day they’re on.  (Do I get a prize for a run-on sentence?  I had to squeeze this one in here — there really needed to be something Christmas-y on this post.  Speaking of pitiful!)

Advent Calendar

So, those were a few things I just know you were losing sleep over.  Now, off to bed!


Oh, and P.S. How fantastic is this cool idea from the Divine Twine website?

Divine Twine

Really. Look at those sugar jars! I think they were made just for Divine Twine. Look how perfectly the spool fits into the jar!

Divine Twine

(And shameless plug: the twine is still 20% off!)

Flowers and Poetry

Is everyone having a nice weekend? I’ve been doing a little yard work — the annual War with the Leaves has begun for 2010. We’re just getting started and I bagged as many as I could for today. It’s SO dry outside, I’m now covered with dust. Crossing fingers for rain tomorrow!


While I was outside, I cut a few hydrangeas and hung them on our back porch door. They’re not nearly as pretty (or as prolific) as they were last year, but they’re still nice.


Since all I have is yard work, I thought I’d mention a few other things. Yvestown wrote an interesting post about twitter and facebook and all points in between. I found myself nodding my head in a vertical manner a lot while reading.


And a few weeks ago, a coworker sent me a link to a video of a 3-year old little boy reciting a “Litany” by Billy Collins on youtube. (Have I mentioned this before? Forgive me if I did — I can’t remember anything anymore. Yesterday morning, I prepared a beautiful sweet and sour chicken meal for the crockpot and then left for work without plugging it in. Grrrr!) Anyway, I LOVE Billy Collins — and this poem too.  This little guy is super cute.

(Hmmm, I tried to embed the code, but it says it’s been disabled by request — you can see the video HERE.)

Here’s the poem if you’d like to read along:


You are the bread and the knife,
the crystal goblet and the wine.
You are the dew on the morning grass
and the burning wheel of the sun.
You are the white apron of the baker,
and the marsh birds suddenly in flight.

However, you are not the wind in the orchard,
the plums on the counter,
or the house of cards.
And you are certainly not the pine-scented air.
There is just no way that you are the pine-scented air.

It is possible that you are the fish under the bridge,
maybe even the pigeon on the general’s head,
but you are not even close
to being the field of cornflowers at dusk.

And a quick look in the mirror will show
that you are neither the boots in the corner
nor the boat asleep in its boathouse.

It might interest you to know,
speaking of the plentiful imagery of the world,
that I am the sound of rain on the roof.

I also happen to be the shooting star,
the evening paper blowing down an alley
and the basket of chestnuts on the kitchen table.

I am also the moon in the trees
and the blind woman’s tea cup.
But don’t worry, I’m not the bread and the knife.
You are still the bread and the knife.
You will always be the bread and the knife,
not to mention the crystal goblet and–somehow–the wine.

–Billy Collins

So…see if you can top that this weekend! {winky}{wink}

Dear Blogger,

I think I hate you.

There.  I said it.  I don’t mean to be cruel or anything, but, really, are you TRYING to drive me to drink???  I know I shouldn’t complain and all, because I know you provide a free service to many of my blog buddies, but could you please consider professional help?  I’m pretty sure you’re schizophrenic. I guess it’s only fair — if you’re out of your mind, you might as well try and take the rest of us down with you.

Let’s look at all of the various painful ways you torture me when I try to enter a comment on a friendly blog.

There’s the username and password option.


Which sometimes goes through successfully, and sometimes pops up a new window and makes me enter a word verification.

Or, sometimes you cut right to the chase and let me enter it all on one screen.


But, really, WHY do I have to enter my username and password?  I mean, after all, I AM logged onto YOUR google reader, can’t you figure out who I am without continuing to make me log in?   Apparently, sometimes you CAN figure that out and you skip right to the word verification.


Which is sometimes more like an eye test the way you squish those letters together.

And let’s not forget this little gem.


Oh, how I hate thee, pull down window.  Because you, my friend, pop up another window for the word verification.  This might not be too bad, but, apparently, I have some sort of security thingy set on my computer to protect me from YOU and this little pop up never happens.  You eat my comment EVERY time.  Which means I can’t comment on these blogs from my main squeeze computer.  (And there are an increasing number of blogs that use this window — could it be your latest upgrade?)


And let us not forget all the many little hissy fits you’ve been throwing over the past few weeks.


Only, you lie.  Your service isn’t always unavailable.  Sometimes the comment goes through and sometimes it doesn’t.  And if I happen to miss whether the blog has comment moderation turned on (which I most certainly did miss) then I never really know IF my comment went through, DO I?  Hmmmm????

The worst part of it is, Mr. Blogger, that my sweet bloggy friends might think I’m complaining about them.  I assure you I AM NOT.  I know you’re making THEM miserable too, what with all those untraceable comments that they get, and all.

Mr. Blogger.  This is NOT Rocket Science.  Perhaps you could take a page from the wordpress playbook and provide your public with a spam plugin.  I know you’re trying.  My bloggy friend Cathy says you have a new option.  But it’s not working.  C’mon — I know you can do it — I’ve stumbled across the perfect form that YOU produced.


See???  Was that so hard?  All I had to do was type in my comment and hit publish.  No signing in.  No word verification.  Give it Your Best Shot!
