

I Got Nut ‘n Honey

I was going to title this post “It’s Dead Jim.”* Our computer has really been acting up tonight and the video card appeared to be dead. Somehow, it revived itself (well, ok, TheManoftheHouse worked some sort of magic.) Then our internet service was down. An hour on the phone and more ManoftheHouse magic fixed that too. Sometimes that ManoftheHouse comes in pretty handy!

So, instead, I’ve got nuttin’. Not much blogworthy going on around here. I did hang a little chandelier up in the dungeon. The kid’s old school had their yearly auction and they decorated with tons of these little chandeliers. After the event they always sell the decorations, so I snapped one up for a ridiculous price, considering the darn thing is plastic.


Whatever … it adds a lot of cheer to the dungeon, hanging above my cutting table. You’re getting the chandelier level view, ’cause if I gave you the view from the floor, all you would see is floor joists. (The dungeon is an unfinished room that I share with the furnace — swanky, we’re not!)

For those of you who love pictures and taking pictures, check out this short little video that I love. (Sorry, I tried to embed the video box, but I can’t get it to work.)

There’s a longer (6 minute) version here, if you have the time. I also enjoyed this 1960s Kodak video. Pass the kleenex please!


* Dr. Spock says that to Captain Kirk in Star Trek. What can I say, I work with a bunch of nerds.

The Six Word Memoir

At my January book group meeting (speaking of which, this month we read A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. Loved. It. Ahem.) one of the girls started talking about six word memoirs. She’s a high school English teacher and she said she’d given her students an assignment to write a six word memoir. She said, for example, Hemingway once wrote his 6 word memoir — “For Sale: baby shoes, never used.” Wow. Think about that. What a story those six little words could tell. We had a very lively discussion about six word memoirs and I made a note that this would be a fun blog topic. And then I promptly forgot about it.

So, imagine my surprise when KBG tagged me to write a six word memoir. (She wrote a great one, by the way.) So, I started thinking about it again. What would my six word memoir be? I thought of several, depending on my mood and couldn’t choose just one.

Bow Tie

Here’s one, for those days I’m sick of working:

Wasted Life. Stuck behind a desk.

Or, how ’bout my activities:

Work. Sew. Read. Cook. Knit. Repeat.

Or maybe the real me:

Loves to sew. Adores her family.

Then this afternoon, I got to thinking about it. I googled six word memoirs. A ton of links came up and among all that reading, it appears that a new book containing six word memoirs entitled Not Quite What I Was Planning is about to be published. Very interesting!

So, how ’bout you? Can you write YOUR six word memoir? Give it a shot. And after you’ve tried it, check out this link that contains some fun ones (don’t peek or you’ll be influenced!) Among my favorites (’cause a few sneaky peeks won’t hurt you LOL):

An embroidered sampler, with some unpicking.

Hasn’t been a Jane Austen Romance.

Laughed out loud, cried in silence.

Monkey Swap
(This picture is for Jewels. Proving that, Yes, I Can
screw up a monkey sock and have to rip back 8 rows because
I tried to knit while talking. Or talk while knitting.)

Now, the rules for the six word memoir meme say that I need to tag someone. That’s always been the HARD part about memes and awards. I have so many of you out there that I’m attached to and I can’t ever pick. I hate that part — it just feels too much like picking someone for the grade school dodge ball team and I was always the one who didn’t get picked. And if I can’t tag others, then I don’t feel it’s fair for me to accept tags. Junie Moon just posted on this topic this afternoon and I’ve decided to join her in her “Please, No Tag Awards” movement. I hope you won’t misunderstand me — I enjoy doing memes — if I see one out there that I like (like this one, for example) I’ll probably just horn in and do it. I love reading others memes — they’re often a good way to get to know each other. I’m just not crazy about the tagging part of it. So…’nuff said, I hope that all made sense and that I didn’t step on any toes.


Just a few more items…

You knitters out there should check out this cool little sweater that Cami has made. I saw this in progress in January — it has the coolest little twisted stitch all along the button band!

I feel it my duty to issue a blogland warning. Danger Will Robinson! SOMEone who lives in a yellow farmhouse is trying to kill us. As evidence, I refer you to this smore’s dessert (ok, I know I asked for it, but I didn’t know it would be that good.) And now, she’s posted these cookies. I made them over the weekend and Holeeee Cow, are they ever fabulous. But don’t click on my links. I mean it. Don’t do it. I don’t want to be responsible — just because my diet (what diet?) is down the drain, doesn’t mean yours must be.

Now, scurry along and work on your six word memoirs. I’d love to see what you come up with!


P.S. Anyone else having trouble with bloglines? I’m getting notified about a day late about posts. It’s driving me nuts!

Up, Up and Away

{Sniff}{Sniff} This morning, we packed up TheSecondChild and shipped him off to Australia for a semester abroad. How exciting is that? Oh to be young again! I really wanted to slip into his suitcase, but sadly, the pre-wedding diet just hasn’t been quite up to par.  I’ll miss my little Sweetpea.

TSC Goes to AU

As I type, he’s sitting in Los Angeles waiting to catch his midnight flight to Brisbane, where he’ll have four days of partying orientation. Then he’ll be off to Sydney where he’ll be going to school for the next 4 1/2 months. He just called and he’s found  four other students (all girls no less — that’s my boy LOL), and, poor babies, they had to spend their afternoon at the Santa Monica Pier. What a life!

A few months ago after all the Australia arrangements had been made and we were discussing the excitement of it all, TheFirstChild said “Uh … Mom? Will the best man be at my wedding?” DOH! What a stunning lack of planning that was. Needless to say, we’ll be interrupting his semester of fun hard work with a trip home in May for the wedding. (There goes my plane ticket down under.)

TSC Goes to AU

So, you sweet Sydney bloggers, if you happen to see my little heathen cherub wandering around the city, slap him upside the head and tell him to go back to his flat and study give him a big hug from his mom.

A few odds and ends:

  • If you’ve always wanted to make a Dear Jane quilt but never quite got it together, help has arrived! Anina is hosting a Dear Jane along. I freely admit to being a big wimp about it, not to mention just a bit overloaded at the moment, so I’m sending you over there to be my proxy. I do love that quilt — go sign up!
  • I wrote up the little pattern for my crocheted valentine cards and you can find it here. I hope it makes sense, I’m not a pattern writer!
  • Lookie here what Sharon sent me!
    Gift Bag

    She showed these little gift bags on her blog one day, so I happened to mention how perfect they’d be for the bridal shower. She’s such a sweetheart that she made me a sample, so I could see if it would work out, before I bought the pattern! It’s perfect and soooo cute. That Zombie Genius Monica designed this cool little bag.  It’s called the Wash Tub Ditty Bag and if you can’t find the pattern at your local shop, you can find it at Kris’s quilt shop. You’ll be amazed at how easy they are to construct — just what I need for some quick party favors. Thanks heaps Sharon and Monica!

It’s a clear, beautiful, cold night here, so I’m off to check out the eclipse!


Valentine Boxers

Whoops! That was a little unintended mini-blogging break. TheManoftheHouse was hogging the computer doing taxes all weekend. Or as I call it, the yearly affirmation that my filing system sucks.* Moving right along.

I’ve been tagged by the loverly Cami to do the seven weird things about me meme. I’ve done this meme a few times before, so, in honor of Valentine’s Day, I’m going to list seven weird things that I love.

1. I love TheManoftheHouse. He’s by far the weirdest thing I love. We’ve surprised more than a few people that we’ve survived this many years, including ourselves.

2. I love dipping french fries in soft ice cream. Yum, Yum. Milkshakes qualify too.

3. I love knitting socks. Oh sure, it’s not weird to most of you, but some goonball at work once told me that it was weird, so it qualifies.

Valentine Boxers

4. I love shoveling snow. Especially late at night when everything is eerily quiet. (Hmmm, that might qualify more for the original intent of the meme — shoveling snow isn’t weird…loving it is.)

5. I love TheEmptyNestChild. He’s pretty weird too. He’s more like a dog than a cat, maybe because we’re dog people at heart.

Valentine Boxers

6. I love reading/learning weird facts. Or weird stuff in the news. Makes me feel just a little bit more normal.

7. I love making boxers out of fun fabrics. These are boxers for the boys for Valentine’s Day this year, skillfully modeled by Giselle SweetiePie. I tried a new waistband application this time — the previous versions have always used the elastic with channels that you sew on so the fabric gathers up. The boys complained that the waistbands were too bulky. Hopefully they’ll like this version better.

Valentine Boxers

I made three pairs this year, for TheFirstChild, TheSecondChild, and for my new nephew Boo. Poor Boo though, he’ll be receiving his boxers late as I won’t be able to get them in the mail until Thursday. Guess he’ll just be receiving them 364 days early!

I’m supposed to tag seven people, so how ’bout some newer bloggers (well, some are newer) … Stitchin’ Friends, Colors Outside the Lines, In the Garden with Miss Jean (who currently has a to-die-for sugar cookie recipe posted), Muddling Through, Quirky Bags, and Patches, Pieces and Me, and YOU. If you haven’t done this yet. Give it a shot and let me know so I can read seven weird things about you!


*You can skip this part. It’s just my yearly TaxRant. I really don’t mind paying taxes — I know we all must share the burden. But I REALLY resent how long it takes to prepare taxes. Time that could have been spent sewing. What kind of cornfed system are we working with here? You add stuff in, then you take stuff out? Are you a stripper with breast implants? Go ahead and deduct them! Are you sick and the Dr. told you that you need more exercise? Put in a pool and deduct it! Growing pot in your basement? Ok, that one’s a stretch, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Why can’t they just say “How much did you make? Ok, send in X percent?” Fair for everyone! How hard could that BE??? The End. Aren’t you glad?

A Blurb Book

Wow, thanks for all the wonderful wishes for TheFirstChild. You are all so sweet! It’s been an exciting time here and TheFirstChild has been touched by all the e-mails, messages, and, as he says, heartfelt “lectures” (LOL!) he has received.

Anyway, on to some news you can use, as they say. Or hopefully something you can use, if you’re ever thinking about ordering a blurb book. You can have books made about most anything these days, so before Christmas I spent some time with MyDadLovesMeBestSister and we took pictures of all the beautiful quilts that MeMum has made for our family. Then I used the free software available at and created a book for MeMum.

Quilt Book

It was really interesting because, at the same time (and unbeknownst to me), MyDadLovesMeBestSister made a similar book of family pictures for MyCrazyBIL using the services at Shutterfly. It was fun to compare the two books. The Shutterfly book is a hardback, 8 inches x 8 inches, and has no dust jacket. The pictures on the cover of the book are part of the hardback cover. MyDadLovesMeBestSister paid roughly $100 for about 80 pages. The Blurb book is also hardback, 7 inches x 7 inches, and has a dust jacket with front and back flaps that can be customized with text and/or pictures. The cover pictures for the book are on the dust jacket and there are no pictures on the hardback portion of the book. I paid about $35 for 30 pages. So, given the difference in book size, the price difference isn’t much.

Quilt Book

I chose to create my book with no words except for those on the dust jacket flaps and a letter to MeMum at the beginning of the book. MyDadLovesMeBestSister scattered words among the pictures in her book. We were both pretty happy with our books. I think the actual binding and the paper/cloth used on the inside covers of the hardback is a better quality on the Shutterfly book. But, I really love having the ability to customize the flaps on the dust jacket of the Blurb book. It makes it seem more like a “real book”. Blurb also has a copyright page, which I could do without, but since it’s there, you can customize it and have a little fun with it.

Quilt Book

MyDadLovesMeBestSister and I were hoping to be able to compare the two services (service was great with both companies, btw) and choose just one company for the next book we decide to make. But it wasn’t that easy as they came out pretty even. I think you just have to make your decision based on book size and dust jacket or not.

Quilt Book

One conclusion we did draw, however, is that making these books was really fun! They make great gifts and fun conversation pieces.

I hope you’re all having a great weekend!
