Oh My Gosh! The quilty peeps, MeMum and I had a great shopping trip today and the absolute highlight of the day was meeting Sharon. We met at 10 a.m. at The Back Door and we had a plan. We decided to go in one at a time — if we went in all together, it would be too obvious who we were! Jewels and MeMum went in first. Then I came in. The shop was fairly crowded, but I spotted Sharon right away — she was standing near the door and next to Jewels. I dashed behind a barrier and waited for Junie to enter. When she did, I waved her over by me. I couldn’t get Jewel’s attention, so Junie and I donned our Sharon masks and headed her way. POOR Sharon!!! I was worried that perhaps she thought this might be some sort of Jason re-enactment!*
L to R: Jewels, Me, Sharon, and Junie, or
Sharon, Sharon, Sharon, and Sharon LOL!
Really, I think I was laughing too hard to figure out what she was doing (not to mention the fact that those masks were pretty hard to see out of.) We had to take a picture — isn’t Sharon just the CUTEST??? She’s every bit as adorable as you think she is from reading her blog. (And what the heck — look how tall she is — I totally didn’t notice that when we were there!) We stood there by the door and visited for an hour. An HOUR!!! It seemed like 5 minutes. I’ve read about other blog meets and sometimes they say there are awkward silent moments. Ha! There was NO chance of that happening here. Poor Sharon — I hope she didn’t think we were putting her through the Spanish Inquisition. We kept asking her questions — and Sharon, I didn’t even get them all out! I really want to know about you and flying with your sewing machine!
After awhile, I started to feel guilty that poor little Boo was outside waiting in the car. I’d given Sharon her PIF** and she was going to run it out to the car so she could shop without having to carry that package around. (She probably just wanted to let Boo know that she was still alive.) I convinced her to let me run out there. I put my Sharon Mask on and ran out to the car. I couldn’t really see his reaction, but I do remember him saying “That’s hysterical.” I mean, after all, his giant-faced mother is running toward him! Anyway, he’s a cutie — and a real sweetheart to sit and wait on his mom!
When I came back in the store, we decided we better get some shopping done. So, we all split up. Yeah, like that lasted very long. Pretty soon, I was standing next to Sharon, yacking again. (Sorry it took so long Boo — I just couldn’t help myself. You get to know people through blogs and it’s like getting together with an old friend!) We found a bolt of Holly‘s fabric and posed for a picture.

Look, Holly Look! It’s your daisies. (Sorry for the Wilson pose — I have work issues. Hoping not to be found out, if you know what I mean! And what the hey — someone has waited a little too long for the dye bottle!) After that, I seriously began to feel guilty about poor little Boo, so we really did split up. (And there’s another question — Sharon, did you outshop me? I didn’t get much, so you must have!) I think it was close to noon when we got out of there — it went so fast. Sharon is such a cutie — she gave everyone a hug and then left. She probably ran to the car and pleaded with Boo to get her out of there — Fast! LOL.
We spent all of our time allocated to the south side of town at The Back Door, so when we left, we headed to the north side of town. We went to our old favorites, Quilts Plus and The Knit Stop. And we ended up at a fun little restaurant for Linner — by then it was three o’clock — a little late for lunch and a little early for dinner. Then we barely made it to a new shop, Always in Stitches, just before they closed.
We had a great afternoon, but somehow, it just didn’t compare to our exciting morning. Thanks so much you quilty peeps and MeMum for going along — it just wouldn’t have been the same without you! Sharon and Boo — you two are the best! I hope you’re having a fabulous time together and Thank You Thank You Thank You for sharing some of that precious time with us!!! I’m telling you — I’ll be on cloud 9 all week — I still have a smile on my face just thinking about our fun morning. And to all the rest of you — I sure wish we could all have a big ‘ol fun Meet ‘n Greet!
P.S. HEL-LO! Sha-ron!!! You forgot to take your souvenir mask along! Not to worry — I have your address!!! ROFLMAO!!!!
* Do you recognize the mask? That’s Sharon when she made her pie. You really should go check it out — her original picture is much more flattering — enlarging the picture sort of dorked it up a bit!
**In case you’re new here, PIF = Pay It Forward. Read about my PIF here.